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MOMENTUM Looking Ahead to the Future of Travel and Expense Management

Since the pandemic began, almost everything about business has changed. This is particularly true of travel and expense (T&E) management which is experiencing numerous challenges; from expanded duty of care for employees, t...

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SAP Concur Helps Organisations to Optimise Their Employee Spend Management While Improving Business Efficiency

Read this Infographic to find out how SAP Concur customers are realising significant value by leveraging Concur Travel and Expense to automate and optimise employee spend management processes, resulting in a three-year ROI of 6...

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Enterprise Travel and Expense Software Maturity Model

Legacy on-premises “dinosaur enterprise applications” – those systems that are monolithic, cumbersome, overly customized and staid - lack intuitive features and intelligence. These applications often must be augmented by spread...

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The Importance of Pressure Sensors in HVACR Systems

Sensors are an integral part of most heating, ventilation, air-conditioning, and refrigeration (HVACR) systems — helping to not only maintain a comfortable indoor climate but also to increase the efficiency of the HVAC systems....

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The Difference Between GaN and SiC Transistors

For decades, silicon has dominated the transistor world, but that has been gradually changing. Compound semiconductors made of two or three materials have been developed and offer unique benefits and superior characteristics. F...

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Molex envisions a future with zero accidents, zero casualties and fewer human driving errors improving lives and benefiting society. Our solutions and technologies are designed to enable optimum safety on the road for electron...

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Building a secure Internet of Things

The emerging Internet of Things (IoT) presents tremendous opportunities for innovative companies to deliver products and services to make industry more efficient, transportation safer and the everyday lives of people more conve...

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Crescita aziendale personalizzata

I clienti di oggi si aspettano sempre di più, ma la tua azienda può superare le loro aspettative. Agisci in fretta per soddisfare la crescente domanda di esperienze personalizzate e ad-hoc. La personalizzazione basata sul machi...

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Aggiornati con i più recenti casi d'uso di ML

Le organizzazioni utilizzano i modelli di deep learning, tra le altre cose, per raccomandare prodotti, prevedere prezzi, riconoscere immagini e migliorare i processi decisionali. Fino a poco tempo fa, sviluppare modelli di deep...

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Get up to speed with the latest machine learning use cases

Organizations are using deep learning models to recommend products, predict pricing, recognize images, and improve decision making as well as for a host of other use cases. Until recently, developing deep learning models took s...

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