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How to win senior support for an EAP

Getting senior leaders on board with your EAP can be instrumental to the success of your health and wellbeing strategy. Thought leaders and stakeholders can impact the direction of your organisational culture. They can impact b...

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2022 Phishing By Industry Benchmarking Report

The human layer continues to be the most enticing attack vector for cybercriminals. Sadly, most organisations continue to neglect this easily penetrable entry point. Throughout 2021, the world continued to see significant year-...

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A Master Class on IT Security: Roger Grimes Teaches You Phishing Mitigation

Phishing attacks have come a long way since the spray-and-pray emails of just a few decades ago. Now they are more targeted, more cunning and more dangerous. And this huge security breach leaves you exposed to business email co...

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Navigating the SOSA Technical Standard 1.0 for Interconnect Selection

Current open standards for systems architecture leave a great deal of room for interpretation. Ensuring interoperability as well as reducing development time and cost has historically been an issue. This whitepaper discusses ho...

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The Total Economic ImpactTM Of KnowBe4

Anti-phishing training and simulation platforms educate users to recognize and avoid phishing emails that use social engineering to compromise targets. KnowBe4 trains and tests employees using the most current real-world scenar...

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AI and Machine Learning on AWS : Confessions of a Data Scientist

If the 21st century has taught us anything, it’s that data is our most valuable resource. Using insight-driven innovation, data is helping solve huge challenges across every industry. As this world of data has developed, data...

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Get started with Machine learning

Machine learning (ML) is more accessible than ever—thanks to the growth of cloud computing, the rise of compute power and data volumes, and the emergence of artificial intelligence (AI) and ML solutions requiring little or no d...

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Top 7 ML use cases for startups

With the broadest and deepest set of machine learning (ML) services available today, Amazon Web Services (AWS) can help you apply ML in a wide variety of ways to transform your startup—allowing you to push innovation to new hei...

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A path to ML success for startups

There’s never been a better time to incorporate machine learning (ML) into your startup’s business operations. Read the eBook Confessions of a Machine Learning Startup Founder for fresh guidance and timely insights from an ML s...

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The new age of mobility powered by you

Keep the economy moving and connected, no matter what. Auto manufacturers are the engines of everyday life. You contribute to society’s wellbeing and evolution. But it’s important your operations are ready for a future of chan...

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