Digital acceleration is driving the adoption of hybrid IT architectures. These new hybrid environments blend data centers, campuses, branches, home offices, and multi-cloud environments into a dynamic, interconnected networking...
In today’s digital marketplace, speed and availability are essential. Organizations turned to digital innovation to remain competitive, trading their legacy systems for hybrid networks and digital processes, including cloud and...
Even as digital acceleration continues to transform businesses, the campus remains the heart of the network. Today, the campus network needs to do much more than simply interconnect the buildings located in the same geographica...
Das 21. Jahrhundert lehrt uns, dass Daten unsere wertvollste Ressource sind. Daten helfen uns, mithilfe von erkenntnisgestützten Innovationen große Herausforderungen in allen Branchen zu bewältigen. Mit der Entwicklung dieser ...
If the 21st century has taught us anything, it’s that data is our most valuable resource. Using insight-driven innovation, data is helping solve huge challenges across every industry. As this world of data has developed, data ...
From enabling remote working, spotting duplicate invoices, and reducing late payments - there are a number of benefits to be realised by taking control of your supplier invoices. Automation is just the start – read 10 reasons ...
Download the eBook, 4 Ways to Boost Productivity in a Flexible Work World to learn four ways SAP Concur solutions can help you make it happen, including: • Automated invoice processing, expense reports, and more • Re-examin...
For many UK businesses, efficient invoice management is becoming harder. Employees are increasingly mobile or working remotely, the number of suppliers and invoices keeps increasing, and there is added pressure to reduce operat...
Accounts Payable (AP) teams are under more pressure than ever before. The business expects them to process greater volumes of supplier invoices while providing more strategic data and direction. How can AP achieve higher levels...
Concur Invoice is an all-in-one solution for automating your accounts payable processes, improving employee satisfaction and strengthening supplier relationships. Logistically, it releases employees from cumbersome paperwork al...