With the evolution of microservices and containers in recent years, the way we design, develop, and run software has changed significantly. Today’s applications are optimized for scalability, elasticity, failure, and speed of c...
Business and commercial decisions drive the consumption of different clouds. Although many enterprises have announced a cloud-first approach and set application migration targets, not all communicate the “why” in business terms...
"Die Fähigkeit von Unternehmen, ihren Kunden ein großartiges digitales Einkaufserlebnis zu bieten, wird den Unterschied zwischen Unternehmen die florieren, und solchen, die ums Überleben kämpfen müssen, ausmachen. Glücklicherw...
B2B-Organisationen können sich nicht mehr allein auf den Verkäufer oder die Kundenbeziehung verlassen, um das Wachstum in der neuen digitalen Wirtschaft voranzutreiben. Laut Gartner werden bis 2025 ca. 60 % der B2B-Verkaufsorga...
Die Entwicklung effektiver Preisstrategien ist eine immer größere Herausforderung. Trotz der digitalen Realität verlassen sich 84 % der Fachleute immer noch auf Tabellenkalkulationen, die häufig doppelte Dateien, Fehler und Pre...
As digital business has evolved, so too has the definition of “mission-critical, enterprise-grade” data storage. Enterprises are faced with greater digital needs and are putting more pressure on IT. Therefore, IT organizations ...
The digital economy is transforming organizations of nearly every size, and these businesses need to rethink how to evaluate their IT infrastructure. Having the right storage technology is still vital—but now, the way that tech...
ESG recently surveyed 2,000 IT decision makers to understand whether, and to what degree, organizations’ comprehensive technology transformations are delivering competitive advantages. The study focused on organizations’ progre...
You will learn: A straightforward way to get started with an internal firewall. How protecting east-west traffic via an internal firewall secures critical applications from the lateral movement of attackers. How deploying an...
With NSX Advanced Load Balancer, teams don’t have to choose between overprovisioning and potentially having insufficient load-balancing capacity. In fact, IDC's analysis shows that study participants are achieving significant v...