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Spend Insights Report How Will Last Year Make 2023 Better?

Every spending moment is a potential risk: where’s the money going? What’s it being used for? And most importantly, will this spend move the business forward? Employees who can answer these questions in the moment turn spendi...

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The Application Modernization Playbook

This e-book emphasizes the importance of application modernization in building a digital enterprise. It highlights the challenges of managing a mix of cloud and legacy workloads and the need to update processes and support emer...

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Driving value from your data in times of change

By harnessing data for greater clarity and agility, organizations can differentiate themselves in today's competitive market. This solution e-book highlights the value of Azure Synapse, an analytics service built on the Microso...

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Building a Modern Data Estate on AWS: The complete guide to becoming a data- driven organization

This ebook explores the challenges and opportunities organizations face in becoming data-driven enterprises. It emphasizes the importance of rapid modernization in the cloud to leverage analytics and machine learning technologi...

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How to choose the best application modernization journey: A roadmap to a cloud-native transformation

The e-book discusses the importance of application modernization and the benefits it offers in terms of availability, scalability, agility, and cost optimization. It emphasizes the need for organizations to adapt to high-freque...

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A research report comparing service providers’ strengths, challenges and competitive differentiators

AWS is a mature hyperscaler in the US, focusing on enabling cloud-first approaches, reinforcing security controls, and embracing automation, serverless computing, and DevOps. The market emphasizes enterprise sustainability, ser...

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Think You Know SAP Concur? Think Again!

Like most SAP Concur users, you probably first came to our solutions to streamline and automate your travel, expense or invoice process. And while our solutions give you a powerful way to address all three areas of spend indi...

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Sandra Succeeds with SAP Concur Spend Management Solutions

Meet Sandra, a finance manager at a large pharmaceutical company. Sandra and her team spend every day juggling a multitude of finance tasks, from managing travel budgets to processing invoices and expense reports. Today is no d...

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Enterprise Travel and Expense Software Maturity Model

Legacy on-premises “dinosaur enterprise applications” – those systems that are monolithic, cumbersome, overly customised and staid - lack intuitive features and intelligence. These applications often must be augmented by spread...

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In Another Year of Uncertainty, CFOs Become Paragons of Business Resiliency

With high inflation, rising interest rates, ongoing supply disruptions, persistent talent shortages, and increasing costs across all business areas, no company is the same as it was three years ago. Every challenge so far has c...

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