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5 Key Considerations for Enterprise Cloud Monitoring

Software is taking over the world. As a result, every business needs to embrace software as a core competency to ensure survival and prosperity. However, the transformation into a software company is a significant task, as buil...

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The Total Economic Impact of Dynatrace

DynatraceTM is a full stack solution that covers application performance management, digital experience management, infrastructure monitoring and AIOps. Dynatrace commissioned Forrester Consulting to conduct a Total Economic Im...

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Taming the Complexity of Web-Scale IoT Applications

The Internet of Things (IoT) is exploding across every industry, everywhere, starting a new chapter in digital transformation. As new use-cases for IoT continue to emerge, the digital experiences they enable will become increas...

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Movilizer For Field Service Technicians

Challenges • You are under pressure to optimize workflows and revenue streams quickly, but utilizing the same resources? • You can’t bill your customer the same day you rendered the service, due to paper-based workflows and do...

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Honeywell Movilizer For Service & Maintenance

Extend your enterprise landscape to your field engineers anywhere, anytime and on any device. • Increased customer satisfaction - Accelerate responsiveness - Efficient scheduling / optimized routing • Reduced service...

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Movilizer For Maintenance Technicians

Challenges • You need to handle more complex machines and greater workload with the same team? • You need to quickly improve your machine uptime and minimize your operating costs? • You are under pressure to achieve operationa...

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Service & Maintenance - Gaining a Competitive Edge with best end-to-end Service Experience

In the manufacturing or field service area, customer satisfaction and operational costs and time have great impact on the business success. And nowhere else do you have so many opportunities to be ahead of the competition than ...

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Cinque Innovazioni Che Vi Faranno Riconsiderare La Rilevazione Gas

È un dato di fatto: un approccio proattivo alla rilevazione gas utilizzando strumenti e tecniche innovativi contribuisce alla sicurezza dei dipendenti e al regolare svolgimento delle attività. Quando si tratta di rilevazione ...

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Rilevatori Di Gas BWTM

Se la sicurezza dei vostri dipendenti è la vostra priorità, scegliete soluzioni intelligenti, affidabili e facili da utilizzare che contribuiscono a tenere il vostro team lontano dai pericoli. Connettetevi e monitorate i dati...

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Rilevazione Gas In Cifre

Nei siti di lavoro a rischio elevato i responsabili della salute e della sicurezza devono più che mai affrontare sfide per ottemperare a norme di settore sempre più rigorose e al contempo evitare che l'aumento incontrollato d...

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