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Autonomous for Dummies

Oracle Cloud is the industry's broadest and most integrated public cloud, offering a complete range of services across Saas, PaaS, and IaaS. It supports new cloud environments, existing ones, and hybrid, and all workloads, deve...

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The Advantages of OpenSync Over EasyMesh

The proliferation of WiFi mesh networks—and multiple access points in the home—drives the need for better in-home network management. Communications Services Providers (CSPs) are considering new technologies that offer more sop...

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Innovating to Adapt to a Post-Pandemic World

Described as the most severe economic crisis since World War II, the COVID-19 pandemic affected almost every industry in all parts of the world. While Communications Service Providers (CSPs) felt relatively few short-term impac...

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How Ethernet will transform the auto industry

The automobile industry will transform in the next decade, as OEMs leverage remarkable innovations in Ethernet to integrate more high-resolution cameras and sensors, tap the power of 5G networks and implement zonal architecture...

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Infrastruttura unificata Aruba - Semplicità operativa con una piattaforma cloud native

I team responsabili dell’infrastruttura e delle operazioni di rete non sono mai stati così sotto pressione. Gli ambienti edge iper-distribuiti caratterizzati da una forza lavoro sempre più remota, la rapida crescita di disposit...

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Sicurezza Aruba edge-to-cloud

La crescita dell'edge a causa dell'aumento del numero di lavoratori da remoto e dei dispositivi IoT ha fatto emergere nuove sfide in termini di onboarding, visibilità e sicurezza. Nel frattempo, la continua migrazione delle app...

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Implementing Zero Trust Best Practices

Network security challenges have evolved significantly over the years as users have become increasingly decentralized and attacks have become more sophisticated and persistent. Traditional security approaches that focused prima...

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Aruba Edge-To-Cloud Security

Growth at the Edge in the form of remote workers and large numbers of new IoT devices has created unique challenges around onboarding, visibility, and security. At the same time, continued migration of applications to the cloud...

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Aruba ESP con sicurezza Zero Trust

Le problematiche di protezione della rete sono cambiate notevolmente nel corso degli anni per la crescente decentralizzazione degli utenti e la trasformazione degli attacchi, divenuti sempre più sofisticati e persistenti. I tra...

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Presentazione del modello Zero Trust Edge per la sicurezza e i servizi di rete

Per supportare la digitalizzazione di un'azienda tramite il cloud e l'Internet of Things (IoT), molti team di networking si sono affidati alla SD-WAN. Tuttavia, la SD-WAN non soddisfa i nuovi requisiti di sicurezza o la funzion...

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