‘Entro il 2025, l'80% delle imprese avrà adottato una strategia per unificare il web, i servizi cloud e l'accesso alle applicazioni private dalla piattaforma Security Service Edge (SSE) di un unico fornitore. "I leader della s...
L'implementazione della DLP è un processo complesso, come sa chiunque l'abbia fatto - e l'idea di rifarlo potrebbe causare qualche notte insonne! Ma la transizione a Forcepoint DLP non deve essere dolorosa; con il prodotto gius...
Security professionals understand that hackers hide lateral movement inside large volumes of east-west network traffic. Organizations need new tools and techniques to detect and prevent such activity. In this paper, you will l...
90% of cloud runs on Linux. So, is it any wonder that malware is propagating in multi-cloud environments under the radar? Current countermeasures are focused on addressing Windows-based threats, leaving multi-cloud deployments ...
Congenital heart disease (CHD) is the most common severe congenital abnormality, with an incidence of 8 to 9 per 1,000 live births. CHD is a leading cause of infant morbidity and mortality. Accurate prenatal detection of CHD al...
The BlackBerry 2022 Threat Report is not a simple retrospective of the cyberattacks of 2021. It is a high-level look at issues affecting cybersecurity across the globe, both directly and indirectly. It covers elements of critic...
The impact of the cloud on both the business and IT is undeniable. As part of a broader enterprise digital strategy that embraces data center and application modernization, the cloud has become a key driver of business expansio...
This eBook - a collaboration with Dell, Intel, and VMware - examines how technology maturity has been re-defined, evolving from maturity into acceleration. It outlines the three critical imperatives for success and resilience ...
Where you are on the application modernization journey influences what you expect the outcomes to be and the challenges you face, according to a new IDG Research study conducted in partnership with VMware. The survey of 106 IT...
You’ve heard the stories: a large Internet company exposing all three billion of its customer accounts; a major hotel chain compromising 500 million customer records; and one of the big-three credit reporting agencies exposing ...