As an automotive manufacturer, you are the engine of everyday life – making a vital contribution to society’s wellbeing and evolution. But how will you continue to fulfil this role in a fast-changing and disrupted world? Rapid...
Digitising your business’s information management processes and systems are crucial in enabling effective control and visibility across all areas of content. It provides a single source of truth. Imagine how that would feel – ...
La sicurezza dei sistemi IIoT (Industrial Internet of Things) e della tecnologia operativa (OT) è a uno stadio iniziale in molte organizzazioni. Vi sono tuttavia diversi fattori, fra cui gli incidenti di sicurezza, che favoris...
Security for the industrial internet of things (IIoT) and operational technology (OT) is in its infancy in many organizations. Several factors — including security incidents — are driving awareness and improvements. There’s cer...
Lo scenario delle minacce della criminalità informatica è più che mai saturo, gli attacchi diventano sempre più sofisticati e riescono a colpire organizzazioni di tutti i settori. Cresce anche il danno economico per le azien...
The cybercrime threat landscape is more saturated than ever, with attacks growing in sophistication and successfully hitting organisations in every sector. What’s also growing is the financial damage to these businesses: IBM S...
There’s an explosion of Microsoft Office 365 data and a pressing need to protect it. Office 365 is seeing tremendous growth, particularly with the current world of remote workforces. According to Thexyz blog, in March 2020, th...
Cybercriminals are constantly refining their tactics and making their attacks more complicated and difficult to detect. In this in-depth report, Barracuda researchers share their insights on the most recent trends in social eng...
Spiegato con semplicità, il ransomware è software dannoso che crittografa i dati o impedisce in altro modo di accedere ai propri sistemi. I criminali chiedono un riscatto in cambio della chiave di crittografia, ma ovviamente no...
In simple terms, ransomware is malicious software that either encrypts your data or otherwise stops you from accessing your own systems. The criminals then demand a ransom in exchange for the decryption key, although, of course...