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Solving the cloud-native app puzzle with CNAPP

There are a lot of pieces in the cloud security puzzle, and sometimes it can seem like it’s not clear how they fit in the big picture. Think cloud access security brokers (CASBs). Or cloud workload protection platforms (CWPPs)....

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10 modi per sostitui reriunioni inefficaci con Slack

Le riunioni sono spesso la palla al piede figurativa che detta gli orari. Ancora peggio, molti di questi incontri non sono così produttivi o efficienti. Un nuovo sondaggio ha rilevato che i dipendenti trascorrono in media 18 or...

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How 9 businesses boosted productivity, efficiency and financial success with Slack and Salesforce

As economic uncertainty continues to dominate headlines, businesses are searching for ways to do more with less. Productivity, efficiency and cost savings are not just buzzwords, they’re necessities. If companies want to achiev...

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PRODUCT REVIEW - Trend Cloud One™

As part of the Cybersecurity Insiders Product Review series, we are reviewing Trend Cloud One, a comprehensive and powerful cloud security platform for developers, security teams, and businesses. Trend Cloud One’s integrated pl...

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Trasforma l’assistenza clienti con un supporto in tempo reale e diprima qualità

Accresci la fedeltà dei clienti offrendo un’assistenza premium personalizzata grazie all’utilizzo di Slack. In questa guida vedremo come puoi utilizzare Slack come piattaforma di produttività per consentire ai tuoi agenti di: ...

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Reinventing work in IT

We’re coming off one of the most challenging years in business history. The pandemic forced every company to accelerate transformations that typically take years or even decades. Chief among them? The transition to a digital HQ...

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Solve the cloud security puzzle to see the big picture

A cloud-native application protection platform (CNAPP) consolidates your security tools, helping development, DevOps, cloud, and security teams sort each piece and see the big picture. Read this Infographic in order to learn h...

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Build the way you want with Slack & Salesforce Platform

Organisations need a digital-first way to work together. An effective digital HQ will drive productivity, align stakeholders and simplify and automate your processes. This on-demand webinar will walk you through the toolkit t...

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Come gestiamo le vendite con Slack

Usiamo ogni parte di Slack per sviluppare le relazioni con i nostri clienti e chiudere le trattative più rapidamente come un team. Il tempo è nemico di tutte le trattative. Più tempo i lead di vendita rimangono in sospeso, mag...

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10 ways to replace ineffective meetings with Slack

Meetings are often the figurative ball and chain that dictate schedules. Even worse, a lot of these meetings aren’t that productive or efficient. To enable real flexibility, companies must adopt a digital-first mindset, recogni...

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