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Discover how to optimise your virtual collaboration technologies and move from tactical teamworking to streamlined collaboration in this guide.

Tanulmány megtekintése

[Live Event] Revolutionising Healthcare with Emerging AI Technologies

The healthcare sector is witnessing a significant transformation thanks to the rapid advancements in Artificial Intelligence (AI). With a particular focus on emerging trends, this event explores how leading-edge AI applications...

Regisztráció webináriumra

Join Megaport for AWS Connectivity Simplified

Currently using AWS cloud services? Planning to do so in the near future? This webinar is for you! Whether you’re at the early stages of your AWS deployment or simply realizing that your current access method is no longer fit f...

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Global insights into CISO challenges, expectations and priorities

Last year’s report uncovered a palpable feeling among CISOs that there was a period of calm after a once-in-a-generation crisis. With the pandemic disruption finally subsiding and hybrid work setups a mainstay for most, CISOs f...

Tanulmány megtekintése

Cybersecurity: The 2023 Board Perspective

With the disruption caused by the pandemic now largely behind us, many in the boardroom could be forgiven for thinking the CISO would take on a less prominent role this year. But another bumper 12 months in cybersecurity quickl...

Tanulmány megtekintése


We empower your managers and engineers to pull all the savings and optimization levers for you that Azure and AWS have to offer. We do the same for your server licensing. We can reduce your public cloud costs by as much as 30% ...

Megoldásismertető megtekintése

Breaking the Chains of the WFM Paradigms

Is your WFM forecasting method phoning it in? Traditional WFM methods of forecasting and scheduling are based on outdated paradigms from phone calls. Our new reality is digital, and your WFM solution should take into account ...

E-könyv megtekintése


A staggering 57% of consumers feel experiences have gotten worse in the past year. How do your customers feel about the quality of your CX? Our new “7 Critical CX Trends for Your 2024 Strategy” offers powerful tips and key tre...

Tanulmány megtekintése

Digital Experience (DX) For Dummies

Get an in-depth look at how a digital-first approach to your business’s CX strategy is crucial to meet elevated customer expectations and drive ultimate satisfaction at every journey touchpoint. Find out in this e-Book how to:...

E-könyv megtekintése

An in-depth exploration of user awareness, vulnerability and resilience

Every year, threat actors look for new ways to outwit victims and bypass defenses. And 2022 was no different. As businesses rolled out new security controls, cyber criminals responded. They added complex techniques like teleph...

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