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Concur Request Controlling Business Spend Before It's Spent

Controlling business spend before it happens is something every finance leader dreams of. Maybe you’ve assumed that seeing spend in near real-time is as good as it gets. Or maybe you’ve tried pre-purchase request and approva...

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Comply with Global Tax Regulations and Maximise VAT/GST Recovery by Optimising the Integrity of Your Data

As audit exposure and digital demands increase, Concur® Tax Assurance by VATBox helps organisations comply with global tax regulations by optimising the integrity of their data. A dynamically updated financial platform designed...

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Optimise Business Spend with the right solutions for control and compliance

Today’s organisations need controls to prevent or mitigate the losses that can result from non-compliant business spend. The right controls over costs such as invoice, expense and travel can put money back on to your bottom li...

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Concur Request: A surprisingly versatile way to boost convenience, spend control, and safety.

Concur Request is about adding proactive control through prespend authorisation. That’s why employees should begin every business trip with Concur Request. It’s how you enforce company policy and gain visibility to expenses bef...

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Building a stronger future for software vendors powered by AWS

To remain competitive and meet customers’ expectations for more innovative and convenient software solutions, such as Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) products, Independent Software Vendors (ISVs) must have a flexible and responsiv...

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Choosing a Right Travel and Expense Management Solution

Many enterprises use travel and expense (T&E) management solutions to streamline employee spend management and accelerate payments. However, in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic, companies require even more from their T&amp...

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3 Steps to Run a Sustainable Business

From guiding individual travelers to select more sustainable options, to reporting on overall carbon impact, there are many ways SAP Concur Solutions help companies and individuals run at their best. Wherever you are on your j...

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Six ways to save on travel and expense Find real bottom-line impact where you may not be looking.

Financial leaders are always looking for areas to cut costs, so they can improve the bottom line. Often, the choices are tough and the problems complicated to fix. But sometimes, inefficiencies are hiding in plain sight. Trav...

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The hidden cost of expense fraud and non-compliance

Expense fraud is a topic that can be as business critical as sensitive. Incorrect expense reports – with many happening due to error-prone processes and simple human error – have been an endemic part of business life for many ...

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Enterprise Travel and Expense Software Maturity Model

The large shift to remote/hybrid work impacted payment channels. Employee spend became a more business-critical source for expenses that were traditionally centrally purchased. Legacy systems slow down or stop reimbursement of...

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