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Personalization eBook - Drive Business Growth with Personalization

Today’s customers expect more, but your business can be one step ahead. Act fast to meet the rising demands for personalized, tailored experiences. Machine learning-powered personalization changes how customers interact with br...

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Identity e Data Security: pronto alle nuove sfide poste dai cambiamenti attuali?

Secondo un recente sondaggio di McKinsey, una delle maggiori sfide che gli addetti alla sicurezza dovranno affrontare nei prossimi dodici mesi sarà la gestione e la protezione dei dati degli utenti remoti : nove organizzazioni ...

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Ottenere il DLP giusta: 4 elementi di un programma DLP di successo

Si dice spesso che la DLP non è un prodotto, è una strategia - il successo dipende da una pianificazione meticolosa, dalla definizione di obiettivi aziendali chiari, dalla collaborazione e da un ciclo di revisione e perfezionam...

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The automotive industry is undergoing an unprecedented paradigm shift to meet the rapidly growing demand for safer, more connected vehicles. As OEMs race to develop connected and autonomous mobility solutions, next-generation v...

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Smart building - TE Connectivity & Avnet Masterclass Series

TE Connectivity is a global industrial technology leader specializing in censoring and connector technology. Here at TE Connectivity, we are committed to unleashing the potential of every connection. This in turn enables high t...

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The Virtual Floorplan: New Rules for a New Era of Work

The Virtual Floorplan: New Rules for a New Era of Work is a global report analyzing hybrid work, and how it comes with its own set of rules and roles across organizations. The survey, conducted by Vanson Bourne and commissioned...

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Forrester Consulting: Bridging The Developer and Security Divide

As security professionals work to create a secure environment for organizations, developers are often left out of security planning processes but are then tasked with carrying these procedures out. This creates a fractured rela...

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SASE-Ready WAN Edge for the Work from Anywhere Era

Enterprise networks are on the verge of a major tipping point, driven by the shift from employees working at a corporate office to working from anywhere. Enterprises are quickly realizing that legacy network and security archit...

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CIO Priorities: Forcing Business to Evolve

It’s apparent now that the forces pushing for businesses to embrace technology to modernization are unstoppable. We are witness to these transformational forces in almost every facet of the economy as software continues to tran...

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Application Modernization Initatives Garner a Growing Share of IT Budgets

Where you are on the application modernization journey influences what you expect the outcomes to be and the challenges you face, according to a new IDG Research study conducted in partnership with VMware. The survey of 106 IT ...

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