El talento en análisis e IA es un recurso muy escaso y valioso para todas las empresas, pero especialmente en las diferentes clasificaciones de funciones, así como la forma de evaluarlas y un proceso de autoevaluación. Con este...
While many companies are hiring data scientists and other types of analytical and artificial intelligence talent, there is little consensus within and across companies about the qualifications for such roles. The term data scie...
Os dados e a análise de dados desencadearam uma nova era de oportunidades de negócios.Estimulada pela nuvem e pelo machine learning (ML),a análise moderna oferece maior visibilidade em toda a empresa e ajuda a promover as decis...
Data and analytics have unleashed a new era of business opportunity. Fueled by the cloud and machine learning (ML), modern analytics deliver increased visibility across the business, helping to drive decisions that are paying b...
Algunas organizaciones crean un centro de excelencia (CoE) de datos y análisis para ayudar a establecer una cultura controlada por datos. Pero un CoE puede convertirse fácilmente en un feudo o en un silo de datos más si su mand...
Some organizations establish a data and analytics Center of Excellence (CoE) to help establish a data-driven culture. But a CoE can easily turn into a fiefdom or just another data silo if its mandate and oversight aren’t crysta...
Las organizaciones basadas en datos han dejado de considerarlos como propiedad de departamentos individuales para pasar a tratarlos como un activo. Se encargan de configurar sistemas para recopilar, almacenar, organizar y proce...
Organizations that are data-driven treat data as an asset, no longer the property of individual departments.They set up systems to collect, store,organize,and process valuable data and make it available in a secure way to the ...
The rapid adoption and growth of digital communication tools and application data requires a reassessment of corporate and regulatory compliance capabilities. I&O leaders should use this research to evaluate enterprise info...
Imagine that you’re the chief compliance officer of a large company trying to comply with an e-discovery request for employee communications. As your team wades through hundreds of terabytes of emails, chats and collaboration t...