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Magic Quadrant para servicios de desarrolladores de IA en la nube

Para crear aplicaciones de última generación, los desarrolladores necesitan servicios que mejoren las capacidades de las aplicaciones en las áreas de aprendizaje automático, lenguaje y visión. Los líderes de ingeniería de softw...

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2022 Gartner Report Magic Quadrant for Cloud AI Developer Services

In the 2022 Gartner Magic Quadrant, AWS (Amazon Web Services) is recognized as a Leader and has been placed highest on Ability to Execute. In this report, discover why Gartner positioned AWS (Amazon Web Services) as a Leader ba...

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7 formas en que el machine learning soluciona problemas empresariales

Deje atrás las expectativas y descubra los beneficios tangibles del machine learning. En este libro electrónico, hemos destacado siete casos de uso principales en los que las empresas han aplicado correctamente el machine learn...

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7 ways machine learning solves business problems

Move beyond the hype and discover the tangible benefits of machine learning. In this eBook, we have outlined seven leading use cases where businesses have successfully applied machine learning to achieve fast, efficient, and me...

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Impulse un crecimiento empresarial personalizable

Personalizar el contenido de los clientes en línea es clave para abrirse paso entre tantos datos inútiles. Sin embargo, las marcas se enfrentan a desafíos que les impiden proporcionar experiencias optimizadas y relevantes, lo q...

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Drive Business Growth with Personalization

Personalizing content for a customer online is key to breaking through the noise. Yet brands face challenges that prevent them from providing these seamless, relevant experiences. The result is fractured communications and limi...

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La promesa de la economía circular

La sostenibilidad es un objetivo cada vez mayor para las empresas de todo el mundo, impulsada por la demanda de los consumidores, las regulaciones gubernamentales y un deseo genuino de realizar mejoras en un sistema que derroch...

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The Promise of the Circular Economy

Sustainability is an ever-growing goal for businesses around the world, driven by consumer demand, government regulations, and a genuine desire to make improvements to a wasteful system. Readers of this whitepaper will gain an...

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Webinar Customer Experience and Lifecycle Management with Cisco

Watch this webinar to find out: The advantages of a CX engagement The value of a Customer Success Plan to achieve your enterprise business outcomes The evolution of Lifecycle Services

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Transition to Subscription

For years, companies and consumers alike have embraced subscription‐based models. The message has been clear: why own when you can rent? This model has pervaded enterprise and consumer applications, driving software‐as‐a‐servic...

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