It’s a long time since the days of petty cash tins and salaries in brown envelopes but many businesses still process cash payments. At a societal level, the rise of online payment technology and bank closures is moving people a...
ExpenseIt: Create, Itemize, and Categorize Expenses Effortlessly: The toughest task on any trip is coming home to a pile of receipts. Help your employees eliminate this tedious task with ExpenseIt in the SAP Concur mobile app....
In der heutigen mit Informationen überfluteten Geschäftswelt ist der Zugang zu ausreichenden Daten kein Problem. Aber wir haben oft mit einer anderen Herausforderung zu kämpfen – nämlich ineffizienten Daten. Daten und Analysen...
DENKEN SIE ZUERST AN DIE APP-SICHERHEIT Anwendungssicherheit ist anspruchsvoll. Wir sehen fast täglich Schlagzeilen über Datenverletzungen. Laut F5-Labs sind Angriffe auf Webanwendungen der Einstiegspunkt Nr. 1 für erfolgreich...
Strong demand for electric vehicles is driving the growth of onboard chargers and electric vehicle charging stations. Battery electric, plug-in hybrid, and possibly fuel cell electric vehicles will require high power, cost-effe...
Consumers must overcome sticker shock, range anxiety and longevity concerns when contemplating the purchase of something that has been “electrified” (particularly a vehicle). System costs, usability (including range and charge ...
Designers of today’s vehicles face many challenges: reducing greenhouse gas emissions, automated driving, safety, trusted computing. Vehicles have become a platform of interconnected computers requiring dependable electronics,...
Die Steuerberaterbranche ist im Wandel. Herausforderungen wie Fachkräftemangel, die drohende Abschaffung der Vorbehaltsaufgaben und die digitalen Steuerlösungen für Privatpersonen gilt es zu meistern. In diesem Whitepaper erh...
The heterogenous and dynamically changing battery market requirements pose a challenge for today's design of battery management systems. This session explores how NXP is providing scalable and coherent solutions addressing the ...
The threat of a serious cyberattack is nothing new — but the situation just keeps getting more complex. As your IT environ- ment grows, tracking and securing all the endpoints connecting to your network is a monumental task. M...