
Neueste Themen:

Bring People & Data Together to Make Great Marketing Happen

To drink in the full extent of the customer data that helps run Anheuser-Busch InBev—the global leader in beer—can be a heady experience. The company behind such prominent beer brands as Budweiser, Bud Light, Corona, Stella Art...

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Shiseido Applies Treasure Data To Make Up Beautiful Marketing

Shiseido, a global top 10 beauty brand, is preparing to celebrate its 150th anniversary. So how will they keep themselves fresh, young and relevant for the next 100 years? By creating a one-to-one marketing program fueled by cu...

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Muji Grows In-Store Revenue With Digital Savvy

Muji, a global retailer known for sustainable products and packaging, planned to grow beyond its 650+ store locations. When they discovered that website visitors most often browsed for products to later buy in a physical store,...

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Post Covid Strategies: Keep Customers and Perfect Data Collections

Consistently delivering on the brand promise requires retailers to maintain perfection on multiple fronts. This Retail TouchPoints report will look at some of the most important advice retailers need to follow as they build cus...

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Where CDP Fits In Your Tech Stack

Everyone knows the story of the elephant and the blind men, who each touched a different part of the elephant and reached different conclusions about what it was. What they lacked was a view of the whole. Customer Data Platform...

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The Complete Guide to Customer Data Platforms

A CDP is an application that collects and stores customer data from across the organization and multiple channels into a single database for data unification and identity resolution, analyzation, and activation. Essentially, a...

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Customer Experience (CX) Trends & Insights EMEA

It’s recognised that a lot has changed in the way we work, as well as the way people live their lives. People expect their brand experiences to be smooth, joined up and to flow effortlessly from web to app to store and across d...

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Attitudes, Expectations and Preferences for Customer Service

In September 2021, Treasure Data commissioned research to better understand customer attitudes around what makes customer service a positive experience. Through this survey, we sought to identify how important customer service ...

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Wie clevere Unternehmen mit ÖkoStrom sofort Kunden und (neue) Talente von ihrer Nachhaltigkeits-Strategie überzeugen

Ökoenergie spart nicht nur CO2 und Geld – sie lohnt sich für Unternehmen gleich mehrfach. Denn mit grüner Energie lassen sich ganz einfach, aber nachhaltig Kundschaft und Mitarbeitende begeistern. Erfahrt in diesem Whitepaper:...

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Prozesssicheres Abfüllen

Strenge Normen, effiziente Abfüll- und Reinigungsverfahren sowie robuste nahrungsmitteltaugliche Materialien, Sensoren und Aktoren bilden die Grundlage für hygienisch einwandfreie Lebensmittel. Das Befüllen unterschiedlichst...

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