Experience a game-changing reduction in complexity and excellent distributed processing with Oracle Autonomous Database. Read the full research to discover why Wikibon believes that Autonomous Database leads the way as “by far ...
To gain an optimum multi-cloud distributed environment, your enterprise needs “the strongest Cloud Database Platform.” Read why Wikibon believes that “Oracle is lengths ahead on Overall and Convergence”, offering a game-changin...
To gain maximum business value, your organisation needs a leading data warehouse. Learn why Nucleus Research recognises Autonomous Data Warehouse as a leader and “anticipate increasing adoption with especially strong considerat...
Nucleus Research has named Oracle Autonomous Data Warehouse as a leader in data warehouse technology. They note how it can be used in the cloud or on-premises and how it enables enterprises to offload operational complexities t...
Through surveying enterprises across the globe, IDC has discovered how Autonomous Data Warehouse has been delivering value to a long list of customers. Discover how your organisation can gain over $2m in annual benefits, reduce...
The almost paralysing effort to maintain a data warehouse is a burden for most enterprises. IDC has discovered how Oracle has bucked that trend with Autonomous Data Warehouse, delivering over $2m in annual benefits and a 63% re...
Vor Beginn eines Cloud-Migrationsprojekts müssen Sie sich mit den Strategien und Tools vertraut machen, die Ihnen zur Verfügung stehen. Diese hängen wiederum von den Zielen, dem Zeitplan, den Service Level Agreements und den Wo...
Even a minor outage can put organizations at a competitive disadvantage, especially in today’s markets. In order to succeed, it is important to have a business continuity strategy in place that protects all data and application...
Um die Grundlage für eine moderne Anwendungsentwicklung zu legen, die Agilität zu erhöhen und die Kosten zu senken, migrieren IT-Verantwortliche ihre Infrastruktur in ein Cloud-Modell, das häufig mehrere Public Cloud-Anbieter u...
Im modernen Arbeitsumfeld steht Desktop-Virtualisierung ganz oben auf der Liste der IT-Prioritäten. Entscheidungsträger müssen virtuelle Desktops und Anwendungen bereitstellen, mit denen Unternehmen flexibel auf sich rasch ände...