What is the starting point to building a holistic cloud security strategy that integrates networks and delivers to the last mile? Cloud is an expanding threat vector. With your employees working from anywhere, it is inevitable...
In order to protect your business, streamline operations and minimize business risk, you need visibility and control of your data across users, devices and networks. But with no perimeter, you also need mobile endpoint security...
CASBs, now essential elements of cloud security strategies, help security and risk management leaders to discover cloud services and assess cloud risk. They identify and protect sensitive information, detect and mitigate threat...
So you want to migrate to AWS – great! However, there are a few things you need to bear in mind For start-ups operating in a digital-native world, ‘let’s go AWS’ is not a reason for particular excitement; it’s simply the estab...
Hybrid cloud and modern applications require a foundational strategy to build future-ready infrastructure for long-term business impact. Yet, no enterprise wants to endure the economic and operational impact of perpetual change...
In recent years, cyberattacks and cybercrime have become the most serious threats that organizations face. Industries ranging from banking to healthcare, and organizations of all sizes from schools to public institutions, are u...
One of the challenges of developing a comprehensive business continuity strategy is the need to plan for what you can’t imagine. A year ago, not many people would have felt the need to plan for a viral pandemic, a global econom...
Digital learning platforms, complex data analyses: The demands on IT in both education and research and development are constantly growing. Today, highly available IT resources are decisive for the success of teaching and scien...
Medium-sized businesses are critical to the global economy, but their sheer variety means they are notoriously hard to understand. For this White Paper, Dell Technologies and Intel asked IDG to query businesses with between 10...
How do you achieve a successful cloud migration? With a simple, standardized and secure public cloud landscape that is aligned with your needs. You will find answers in this recording from March 16, 2021. Fill out the form no...