Drive value for your organisation with cloud-based systems. Siloed data and legacy systems make it harder for finance leaders to drive strategic business change. Developed in partnership with Bloomberg Media, this whitepaper ...
6 Tips for Your Security Awareness Training Awareness training that is fun and effectively protects your organisation from cyber attacks? Find out how - and how you can increase user engagement by up to 43% - in our white pape...
Learn how your organisation can use Workday to address all five essential employee experience needs (engage, empathise, embrace, empower, energise).
Profitieren Sie von einem objektiven Vergleich von Finanzmanagementlösungen Die digitale Beschleunigung hat für Finanzführungskräfte derzeit oberste Priorität. Deshalb ist eine cloudbasierte Lösung für Finanzmanagement und -pla...
Get an objective perspective on financial management systems. As digital acceleration becomes a top priority for finance leaders, so does the need for a cloud-based financial management and planning system. But how do you know ...
Sind Sie bereit für das neue Arbeitsmodell der Beschaffungsfunktion? Führende Einkaufsteams etablieren neue Arbeitsmethoden mit strategischem Fokus auf Lieferantenbeziehungen, Agilität, Transparenz und sozialer Verantwortung. ...
Make smarter, faster decisions with a finance-first ERP strategy. Organisations that don’t have a strong foundational core often struggle to prioritise which capabilities to modernise – making it difficult to make value-based d...
Enable frictionless finance with new technologies. System fragmentation, data discrepancies and manual processes hold finance teams back in an increasingly fast-paced world. In this report, learn how your organisation can bui...
Aligning Finance and IT on the path to transformation. Remote work is the new normal. As organisations adapt to shifting demands in a changing world, it’s more important than ever for finance and IT to make a joint effort towa...