Corporate DevOps teams are leading the way to the cloud, but many are overlooking the full security implications of the move. If they simply accept the security offerings of their cloud platform, they are likely to leave gaps t...
FortiOS, the Fortinet network operating system, is the heart of the Fortinet Security Fabric. This operating system, or software, is at the core of the Security Fabric and ties all components together to ensure tight integratio...
Organizations should support telework as a component of their business continuity plan, which requires the ability to rapidly transition to a partly or wholly remote workforce. Doing so creates new networking and security chall...
Government, Healthcare and Life Sciences industries must rapidly respond to the global challenge. These industries are working at an unprecedented pace to find solutions. Intelligent automation empowers active collaboration w...
Que vous déposiez votre paie du mois ou que vous placiez votre épargne, vous réalisez des opérations bancaires - sans besoin pour autant de vous rendre en personne dans une agence. Aujourd’hui, les devantures ne sont que la par...
Whether you’re depositing a paycheck or investing your savings you are performing banking operations — even if it’s been a while since you visited a local branch. Today, storefronts are only the visible part of a vast infrastru...
Through customer interviews, surveys, and data aggregation, Forrester concluded that GitHub Enterprise has the following three-year financial impact.
Les entretiens avec les clients utilisateurs de GitHub et l’agrégation des données ont permis à Forrester de conclure que GitHub Enterprise a l’impact financier suivant sur trois ans.
GitHub provides an enterprise-grade development platform that helps its customers increase development efficiencies and produce better code. It also helps mirror an open-source culture inside the organization that contributes t...
GitHub fournit une plateforme de développement de niveau entreprise qui aide ses clients à accroître l’efficacité du développement et à produire un code de meilleure qualité. Il aide aussi à obtenir une culture open source au s...