
Neueste Themen:

Unified Hybrid Cloud Will Be Key to Successful Digital Transformation

Organizations of all types are committed to the potential of cloud to transform how they do business, with adoption of external cloud services nearly ubiquitous at this point. However, the realities and challenges of cloud exec...

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Businesses are Shifting to a Unified Hybrid Cloud

Enterprise cloud adoption is in full swing. More than 90% of respondents to 451 Research’s Voice of the Enterprise (VotE): Cloud Hosting and Managed Services studies indicated that they have some type of cloud service in place,...

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Pure Unifies Cloud - Drive true hybrid cloud operations with cloud data services from Pure

Today traditional applications generally run on-premises and webscale apps are built in the cloud – separate worlds, each with siloed apps and data. This cloud divide, in which organizations are compelled to choose on-premises ...

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Unifying Storage in Hybrid Cloud Environments

Hybrid cloud infrastructure is the combination of public and/or private cloud infrastructure alongside traditional on-premise infrastructure for the same or different workloads. 79% of enterprises have current or planned invest...

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Top 7 Hybrid Cloud Challenges

1. Public cloud is poorly suited to traditional enterprise applications 2. Private and public cloud management are different 3. Private and public cloud APIs are different 4. Cloud-native applications expect object storage ...

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Hybride Cloud Einkaufsleitfaden - Tipps für das Entwickeln effektiver Hybrid-Cloud-Datenstrategien

Im Zeitalter der Cloud suchen Unternehmen nach der besten Cloud- Strategie, um ihre Agilität zu erhöhen, Kosten zu senken und mehr Innovation zu fördern. Manche haben versucht, alles in die Public Cloud zu verschieben, aber ...

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Hybrid Cloud Buyer's Guide - Tips for Developing Effective Hybrid Cloud Data Strategies

In the cloud era, enterprises are searching for the best cloud strategy to increase agility, decrease costs, and foster greater innovation. Some have experimented with moving everything to the public cloud, but soon discovered ...

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Inline Bypass: Scaling Inline Threat Prevention Tools to Keep Pace with High-Speed Networks

Are your threat prevention tools struggling to keep up with the increasing speed of your organization’s network? Is the number and variety of security tools you think you need starting to tax your budget and overcomplicate your...

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Scaling Network Security

Young people today laugh at folks with a couple decades of experience when they rue about the good old days, when networks snaked along the floors of offices, and trusted users were on the corporate network, while untrusted use...

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The Surprising Ways that Inline Bypass Helps Protect Network Operations

Your organization depends on all kinds of inline tools to keep your network up and running, but those same tools can fail, leaving you vulnerable. Moreover, as network speeds increase, slower tools can bottleneck network traffi...

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