
Neueste Themen:

Stop Wasting 45% of Your Day

Do you have drive-by requests coming at you from all directions? Do constant fire drills leave you racing around all day? When you look around, do you see chaos everywhere in the form of sticky notes about urgent bug fixes or m...

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4 Reasons Digital Transformation Initiatives Fail and How to Ensure Sucess

Modern day enterprises are searching for ways to create better digital experiences—not only for their customers, but for their workforce. Digitization is modernizing organizations and the way they manage work, allowing them to ...

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The Unnerving Cost of IT Project Management

In any IT Department, the lack of the right work management solution can severely impact the success of projects, prevent companies from meeting their objectives, and have a long-term detrimental impact on the business. While a...

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5 Essential Elements of True Modern Work Management

Companies are looking to IT leaders to make the kind of business-defining decisions that answer the complexity of modern work in the enterprise, help everyone work more efficiently, and accelerate the business to a whole new pa...

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SAP S/4HANA: So klappt der Proof of Concept in zehn Wochen!

Gewinnen Sie Transparenz über Ihren Weg in die neue SAP-Welt Wann steigen Sie auf SAP S/4HANA um? Erfahren Sie im Webinar, wie Sie in nur zehn Wochen eine S/4HANA Conversion durchführen können und Transparenz über Ihre unterne...

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The Gold Guide Welcome to the Human Revolution

A human revolution is happening in the workforce. It is a revolution that makes the powerful voice of your employees heard. It is a revolution that requires you to make sure that your entire workforce is motivated, skilled, and...

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Employee Experience Management Solutions from SAP

Improve employee experiences at every moment that matters. Managing employee experiences is not about pinpointing a single event or moment. People leaders need the ability to collect feedback at every moment that matters and t...

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Employee Experience Management Is the Next Frontier

Employee experiences are made up of moments that matter from the first interaction as candidates until the time employees exit or retire. Effective management of the employee experience involves continuously capturing employee ...

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Using HPE SimpliVity Hyperconverged Infrastructure to Improve Data Protection and Recovery Effectiveness

This white paper examines how IT organizations can leverage HPE SimpliVity to improve and simplify their data protection and resiliency capabilities. Proof points have been provided from results of an independent survey of HPE ...

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Hyperconverged Infrastructure Implementation Strategies

In this Guide You'll Learn: The key capabilities that make hyperconverged infrastructure today’s go-to architecture for the data center How you can leverage the key use cases that are driving hyperconvergence Ways this hot ...

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