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Cloud-Migration – Leitfaden für Käufer

Die Cloud-Infrastruktur entwickelt sich für eine Vielzahl von Workloads zur primären Bereitstellungsumgebung. Anhand einer Hybrid Cloud-Strategie können Unternehmen Infrastrukturen und Workloads schrittweise ändern und von den ...

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Taneja Report Vmware Cloud Alternatives TCO Analysis

In this paper we examine the relative costs and other advantages of four different cloud infrastructure approaches, two based on private or on-premises clouds and two on public clouds. These public and private approaches can in...

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Ergonomische Arbeitsplatzsysteme in Industrie & Gewerbe

Das vorliegende Dokument erläutert, was Ergonomie auf Basis der neueren Forschung umfasst, warum Unternehmen von ergonomischen Arbeitsplätzen profitieren, welche Anforderungen sich daraus für die Arbeitsplatzgestaltung ergeben...

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Moderne Arbeitsabläufe in der Automobilindustrie

Ein unverändert harter Wettbewerb, die wachsende Modell- und Ausstattungsvielfalt, verbunden mit weiter steigenden Kundenerwartungen setzen Unternehmen in der Automobilindustrie einem hohen Effizienzdruck aus. Während die Mögli...

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How to Migrate from Oracle Access Manager to ForgeRock Identity & Access Management

Migrating from Oracle Access Manager (OAM) to ForgeRock Identity & Access Management (IAM) Looking for an Oracle Access Manager alternative? Legacy Web Access Management (WAM) systems like Oracle Access Management (OAM...

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Evaluating Digital Identity Providers for Customer Identity and Access Management

Evaluation Framework for Customer Identity and Access Management Today, six digital transformation trends are directing how you conduct business. These trends necessitate a different approach to customer identity and access man...

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KuppingerCole Leadership Compass: Access Management and Federation 2019

Big Changes Are Happening in Access Management. Will you be ready? Do you need to evaluate the access management and federation marketplace? Read this 2019 report to learn how KuppingerCole compares leaders across innovation...

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Migration Guide: CA Single Sign-on to ForgeRock Identity Platform

The Identity and Access Management (IAM) landscape has drastically changed in recent years. IAM has transcended the enterprise, beyond the perimeter into the cloud, devices and now even into chips. Legacy IAM products lack the ...

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Migrating from Oracle DSEE to ForgeRock Directory Services

Looking for an Oracle DSEE alternative? Support for Oracle® Directory Services Enterprise Edition (ODSEE) is being phased out starting December 2019. In preparation of this deadline, it is prudent to fully investigate options a...

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The Future of Identity and Access Management

Identity and access management (IAM) technologies have become critical in the fight to protect customers from fraud, identity theft, and privacy abuses. Business leaders, CIOs, and CISOs use these technologies to both engage wi...

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