Archives livres blancs

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Hybrid IT helps businesses navigate through digital transformation

In this era of digital disruption, businesses must be more agile to capture opportunities. Many viewed cloud computing technology as the way to do this, promising to address agility, scalability, and cost. But in moving to the ...

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Best of both worlds: Can enterprises achieve both scalability and control when it comes to cloud?

Very little data is available on how effectively enterprises are managing private cloud deployments in the real world. Are they doing so efficiently, or are they facing challenges in areas such as performance, TCO and capacity?...

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Aligning GDPR Requirements with Today’s Hybrid Cloud Realities

The enactment of the European Union’s General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) represents a significant milestone for virtually every international business. Under the standard, organizations will need to comply with an extens...

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Introduction to the Active Everywhere Database

For almost half a century, the relational database management system (RDBMS) has been the dominant model for database management. However, today's business needs are forcing data management into new use cases, such as managing ...

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Powering Growth and Innovation in a Hybrid Cloud World

Learn how an Active Everywhere architecture provides infinite scale, high availability, and a consistent enterprise data layer across on-premise, hybrid cloud and multi-cloud deployments.

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Mind the Gap - How application delays affect company performance

In an innovation-powered economy, ideas need to travel at the speed of thought. Yet even as our ability to communicate across companies and time zones grows rapidly, people remain frustrated by downtime and unanticipated delays...

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Multicloud Storage For Dummies

Most companies would love to move enterprise applications to the public cloud and cut the costs, complexities, and limitations of current infrastructure. Now there’s an innovative new way to move enterprise applications to the...

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Rapport ESG : L’apprentissage machine fournit un meilleur point de vue

Nous vivons à l’ère des données numériques. Il n’est nullement exagéré de dire qu’aujourd'hui les applications sont essentielles pour la plupart des fonctions métier, qu’elles soient utilisées directement par les travai...

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Attention à l'écart - Les conséquences des retards d’applications sur le rendement des entreprises

Dans une économie évoluant au rythme des innovations, il est indispensable que les idées circulent à la vitesse de nos pensées. Notre capacité à communiquer entre entreprises et d’un fuseau horaire à l’autre augmente ra...

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Évaluation de l’impact financier de HPE InfoSight Predictive Analytics

Les applications sont les moteurs qui entraînent les entreprises numériques d'aujourd'hui. Quand l'infrastructure sur laquelle repose ces applications est difficile à administrer, ou défaillante, les entreprises et leur ser...

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