
Neueste Themen:

Get Productive. Get Efficient. Get Ahead.

The advance of technology is forcing organisations like yours to adapt. Perhaps you’ve already begun to do so, or maybe you’re at the beginning of your journey. Either way, you must evolve to simply get by, and do so effectivel...

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The Customer Journey to SD-WAN: Top Adoption Drivers for SD-WAN

Functional, Technical, and Economic Considerations Over the last 18 months Software-Defined Wide-Area Networking (SD-WAN) has emerged as a new technique for building and operating enterprise IP networks. Based on implementing ...

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5 Reasons Why the SaaS Revolution Needs a Unified Content Strategy

If organizations must get their specialized SaaS applications to work together like their old software suites did, the openness of each application’s APIs and how well pre-configured these APIs are with all of the other SaaS ap...

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How to manage change when moving to the cloud

Moving from legacy to cloud infrastructure is a huge win for business, but the process requires a fundamental shift in organizational culture and business processes, both inside and outside IT. In fact, managing this change may...

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Becoming an IT hero: Giving your team the flexibility they want and the security they need

In the modern-day workplace, it’s become more and more common for the lines to blur between what apps and tools are appropriate for business versus those that are best left at home. Any IT pro knows why this behavior—often cal...

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NetApp wird mit seiner HCI-Lösung auf dem Hyper-Convergence-Markt aktiv

In dieser IDC Marktbeschreibung werden die Hyper-Converged-Infrastrukturlösung NetApp HCI von NetApp und der Eintritt des Anbieters in den Marktbereich der Hyper-Converged-Infrastruktur im Kontext des Wettbewerbsumfelds im EMEA...

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Digitale Transformation im Kundendialog

Wenn von digitaler Transformation die Rede ist, fallen meist Schlagworte wie Industrie 4.0, Internet der Dinge und Big Data. Und der deutsche Mittelstand steht bei diesen Themen auch nicht mehr am Anfang. Seltener ist hingegen ...

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Vom 2-Tier- zum n-Tier-Konzept

In der Geschäftswelt wird zunehmend deutlicher, dass zwischen Unternehmenszentralen und Tochtergesellschaften einerseits mehr Austausch und Integration stattfinden muss, andererseits auch jede Organisation weiterhin in der Lage...

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Die Rolle eines 2-stufigen ERPs in der digitalen Welt

Durch die neuen digitalen Technologien haben sich die Anforderungen an ERP-Systeme in den letzten Jahren grundlegend gewandelt. Zudem bestehen für die Verwendung von ERP-Lösungen für Tochterunternehmen gänzlich andere Anforderu...

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Using Wideband IF Digitizers to Solve Challenges in Streaming and Recording RF Signals

This paper describes various capabilities of wideband IF digitizers with built-in FPGA chips in the context of RF signal streaming. Topics include wideband signal streaming, variable burst signal recording, and narrowband signa...

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