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Southern Cross Care ensures healthy endpoints

Business challenge Boosting productivity by minimizing threats Healthcare organizations are the most targeted by cyberattackers. For Southern Cross Care, defending systems across 31 residential aging locations was a huge chal...

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Cybercrime tactics and techniques

Enterprises, beware. Threat actors are continuing to eye businesses for high returns on investment in Q1 2019, breaching infrastructure, exfiltrating or holding data hostage, and abusing weak credentials for continued, targeted...

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ROFF steps up global endpoint security

Business profile ROFF is an award-winning global consultancy, providing comprehensive consulting, support, training, and custom solutions for the SAP platform. More than 1,000 consultants work in 12 countries. ROFF consultants...

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Entrust Datacard scores win against disruptive malware

Business profile Entrust Datacard is a leading provider of trusted identity and secure transaction technology solutions for financial, corporate, government, education, healthcare, retail, transit and other industries. Solutio...

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Enterprise endpoint protection buyer's guide

The threat landscape continues to innovate with increased volume and tenacity. In 2016, 53% of cybersecurity professionals reported an increase in attacks, and in 2017, 80% believe it is likely or very likely they will be attac...

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The State of Application Services

When F5 started its journey to understand the importance of application services with the context of emerging technologies, the DevOps movement was just beginning to trickle into the broader enterprise IT market. As application...

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Der Einfluss von Chatbots und künstlicher Intelligenz auf die Customer Journey

Das Kundenerlebnis – auch Customer Experience genannt – entwickelt sich zu einem der wichtigsten Erfolgsfaktoren für europäische Unternehmen. Dennoch haben viele Firmen immer noch Schwierigkeiten, den schnellen und personalisie...

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Best Practices für den KI-gestützten Kundenservice: Konkrete Maßnahmen für die Implementierung

Im Kundenservice drehte sich zunächst alles um Live-Chat-Lösungen für Websites, dann wurden immer mehr Kommunikationskanäle hinzugefügt, und nun spricht jeder davon, mit der leistungsstarken künstlichen Intelligenz (KI) a...

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Breaking down the barriers to financial advice

The world of financial advice can be a difficult one to navigate for those seeking support with their finances. The choice of services, advisers and products is vast, and people may feel overwhelmed with where to start. Misconc...

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Closing the female financial adviser gap

There is no doubt that great strides have been made in recent years to increase gender diversity in the workplace. However, much more needs to be done in the financial services arena. The Government’s Women in Finance Charter, ...

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