If you’re in the consumer packaged goods (CPG) business, you might have seen the timeline for your five-year digital transformation plan become a five-month plan. Repeated COVID-related disruptions in consumer buying patterns, ...
Muji, a global retailer known for sustainable products and packaging, planned to grow beyond its 650+ store locations. When they discovered that website visitors most often browsed for products to later buy in a physical store,...
Use Treasure Data CDP to steer more auto buyers to your brand—faster and with better marketing ROI. You have the data, you’re spending the money. But are your investments in digital marketing and big data paying off in acceler...
The industry we used to know as “automotive” is now more accurately described as the “mobility” industry. Dynamic shifts are in process, and massive changes have occurred in the two short years since Treasure Data and Brain+Tru...
Automotive companies (e.g., Original Equipment Manufacturers / OEMs) can find themselves drowning in data. With first-party data, automotive companies struggle with multiple data sources (e.g., call center, CRM, website, mobile...
How customer data is accelerating success for CDP-using OEMs and auto dealers. In the automotive industry, multiple factors are affecting the supply chain for cars worldwide. But on the demand side, what’s really holding the i...
Customer Data Platforms are specialized software to assemble, unify, and share customer data. Europe is home to 60 of the 155 CDP vendors that the CDP Institute has identified. CDPs are becoming more mainstream. The CDP indust...
Gaining Control of Your Business Spend - It’s time for businesses to embrace the Power of Now! Organisations that rely on manual processes are left vulnerable to fraud, spend too much time completing day-to-day activities and d...
As more finance departments find cause to take on hybrid working and remote working to manage accounts payable, it’s increasingly more important to recognise if you have a complete platform to accommodate the systems and people...
wie digitale Gesundheits-Apps die Anforderungen der neuen Arbeitswelt meistern. Unsere Arbeitswelt befindet sich im Wandel: Remotes Arbeiten, Work-Life-Blending und Flexibilität bestimmen den Alltag des „New Works“. Doch was s...