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Guide de l’Acheteur des Solutions d’Extension de Data Center

L’infrastructure Cloud est en passe de devenir le premier environnement de déploiement pour une majorité des charges de travail. Dans le cadre de l’extension des environnements de Data Center on premise au Cloud public, plusie...

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Data Center Extension Buyer's Guide

Cloud infrastructure is becoming the primary deployment environment for a majority of workloads. As organizations extend on-premises data center environments to the public cloud, there are several factors that need to be consi...

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4 Raisons Justifiant l’Extension de Votre Data Center au Cloud

1. Extension de la Présence: Récupérez de la capacité pour les nouveaux projets et implantez-vous dans d’autres régions sans construire de Data Center supplémentaire ni investir dans une solution de surprovisionnement. 2. Capa...

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4 Reasons to Extend Your Data Center to the Cloud

1. Footprint Expansion: Obtain capacity for new projects and expand into new geographies without building a new data center or investing in over-provisioning. 2. On-demand Capacity: Handle unplanned temporary capacity needs an...

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The Emergence of Digital Operations Management

In 2019, the Digital Enterprise Journal conducted survey research to learn about the best practices of top-performing organizations in IT Operations. One of the key findings from the research was that those top-performing organ...

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Respond Faster, Save Money: New Capabilities for a New Digital Era

This product launch includes new capabilities that will improve efficiency, protect revenue, and ensure resilience across teams. It’s a scary and challenging time. There are more demands on digital services than ever before. W...

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IBM & PagerDuty: Driving Real-Time Operations Excellence

It’s not news that the world has gone digital, requiring you to interact with your customers 24×7. What may be news is that to be successful, you need to be able to operate in a truly real-time fashion, empowering the individu...

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How Sky Betting is Driving Real-Time Operations Transformation

For many organizations, DevOps transformation is now a business imperative as it drives widely understood advantages in innovation, agility, and empowerment. However, many organizations struggle to implement and realize the tru...

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Carpe Momentum: Seizing the Moments That Matter in a Complex World

Everybody puts value on work. But not all work is the same or valued in the same way. What if we told you there’s a way to gain/protect up to $1 million in new revenue, reduce unplanned downtime by more than 60%, and improve t...

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The Ideal Battery for Backup: Nickel-zinc battery technology improves TCO, safety and sustainability in data centers

Nickel-zinc (NiZn) is the world’s only high-power, fail-safe, fully recyclable battery technology which makes it an ideal choice for uninterruptible power supply (UPS) battery backup. Key attributes to consider with any battery...

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