Archives livres blancs

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Xilinx® - Based SOMs to Accelerate Solutions

Designers face several engineering and non-engineering challenges when it comes to developing high-performance electronic solutions. Successful development requires technical finesse, significant development time, and financial...

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Kubernetes Patterns: Reusable Elements for Designing Cloud-Native Applications

With the evolution of microservices and containers in recent years, the way we design, develop, and run software has changed significantly. Today’s applications are optimized for scalability, elasticity, failure, and speed of c...

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Planifiez votre avenir technique avec un modèle opérationnel pour la modernisation du multicloud et du Data Center

Les décisions métiers et commerciales favorisent l’utilisation de différents Clouds. Bien que de nombreuses entreprises aient annoncé une approche axée sur le Cloud et défini des objectifs de migration d’applications, toutes n’...

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Map Your Technical Future with an Operating Model for Multi-Cloud and Data Center Modernization

Business and commercial decisions drive the consumption of different clouds. Although many enterprises have announced a cloud-first approach and set application migration targets, not all communicate the “why” in business terms...

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7 raisons pour lesquelles VMware Cloud Foundation est la solution de Cloud hybride privilégiée

Votre fourniture de services IT est-elle pérenne ? Les stratégies en matière d’applications et de Cloud sont inextricablement liées, et les départements informatiques cherchant à gagner en vitesse et à améliorer leur résilienc...

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La modernisation des applications aujourd’hui: 6 raisons de choisir une plate-forme d’infrastructure cohérente

Des nouvelles applications Cloud aux versions modernisées d’applications legacy, la modernisation des applications implique pratiquement toujours une combinaison de charges de travail basées sur conteneur et de charges de trava...

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Securing the Data Center in Just Four Steps

You will learn: A straightforward way to get started with an internal firewall. How protecting east-west traffic via an internal firewall secures critical applications from the lateral movement of attackers. How deploying an...

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The Business Value of VMware NSX Advanced Load Balancer

With NSX Advanced Load Balancer, teams don’t have to choose between overprovisioning and potentially having insufficient load-balancing capacity. In fact, IDC's analysis shows that study participants are achieving significant v...

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Forrester A Practical Guide To A Zero Trust Implementation

Since Forrester first introduced the model over a decade ago, Zero Trust has gained popularity and become the preferred security model for many enterprise and government organizations. The Zero Trust model shifts the focus of s...

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VMware NSX Advanced Load Balancer Benchmark Report

Moving from appliance-based load balancers to software-defined VMware NSX Advanced Load Balancers could enable your organization to modernize load balancing services with efficient use of standard computing infrastructure and r...

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