Archives livres blancs

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The Total Economic Impact™ Of Slack For Technical Teams

Slack is now our office. What we did face-to-face, we now do in Slack. And in terms of culture, in some ways it’s better than the water cooler or pop-ins – since Slack can be asynchronous, you won’t be interrupting people while...

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Reinventing work in development teams

Software engineering teams were often among the best placed to adjust to 2020’s shift to working from home (WFH). While colleagues in other parts of the enterprise had to get to grips fast with remote collaboration and asynchro...

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Modern incident response

The digital world is open 24/7. So it follows that digital consumers expect IT and customer service to keep the same hours. These exceedingly high expectations mean that no issue is too small or common to frustrate customers, f...

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Reinventing work - How leading organisations are connecting teams, tools and partners in a work-from-anywhere world

Employee experience (EX) was already a hot topic for many businesses and organisations before the pandemic. After all, what’s more important than attracting and keeping top talent? During lockdown, EX challenges became a C-suit...

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The Future of Planning Tackling changed requirements with comprehensive modernization

Organizations today are faced with an increasingly dynamic world, and their ability to thrive will depend on their ability to adapt and be flexible. Yet the need to plan and forecast with a degree of certainty is still a challe...

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The New Future of Professional Services

Constellationin raportin mukaan COVID-19:n vaikutukset asiantuntijapalveluorganisaatioihin (PSO:t) muuttavat koko alaa. Raportti kertoo, miten organisaatiot voivat käyttää oppejaan ja kasvaa jatkossa virtaviivaisemmiksi ja inn...

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IDC MarketScape: Worldwide Collaboration and Community Applications 2021 Vendor Assessment

Slack integrates with a large number of business software applications, including Microsoft 365, Google Workspace, and Salesforce to reduce the need for context switching. This moves work closer to "a single pane of glass" wor...

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The digital-first toolkit

Over the past year, society has proven we can be effective, creative and productive working from anywhere even amid a global pandemic. We’ve adopted alternative working hours, we’ve relocated, we’ve welcomed unexpected Zoom ca...

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The Total Economic Impact Of Slack For Technical Teams

Slack commissioned Forrester Consulting to conduct a Total Economic Impact™ (TEI) study and examine the potential return on investment (ROI) companies may realize by deploying Slack Plus or Slack Grid.

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Reinventing work in IT

As workplaces go part physical, part remote, the smartest organisations are treating this moment as an opportunity to forge a new and better employee experience (EX). They’re doing so in the knowledge that EX is a key driver o...

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