Il y a de nombreuses bonnes raisons d’étendre votre Data Center on premise au Cloud public, notamment accéder à une capacité à la demande, mettre en place le télétravail ou faciliter le développement d’applications modernes. ...
The IT skills gap and expertise shortage are real and show no signs of letting up soon. Rackspace Elastic Engineering sets a new standard for delivering support and engineering expertise for both traditional and cloud native s...
No industry has experienced a digital evolution as dramatic as retail. The rise of online commerce - accelerated by the COVID-19 pandemic - and the need for greater competitive advantage has collided with an increase in custome...
Um Ihr Helpdesk mit der richtigen Remote-Support-Lösung auszustatten, sollten Sie die Fakten kennen. Die unabhängige Zibis Group hat Rescue und TeamViewer verglichen: Welches Tool unterstützt Sie in einer zusehends digitalen We...
Cloud provides the opportunity for agencies to leverage new technology and services to achieve their business outcomes. A series of strategic principles have been defined to guide agencies in making the right decisions and cons...
Intégrer les RH là où elles comptent. La plupart de ce qui se passe au niveau des ressources humaines se passe en dehors du projet et constitue un monde parallèle qui n'est pas pertinent pour les collaborateurs du projet. Ce g...
De nombreuses entreprises de services sont confrontées à d'importants problèmes de productivité et de transparence. Les employés clés ne sont pas en mesure de mener des activités à valeur ajoutée car leur temps est bloqué par d...
Service Performance Insight have just released their 2021 edition of the Professional Services Maturity Benchmark. They explore how the industry has performed as it returns to growth following 2020 – with revenues increasing 2...
In this eBook we explore key findings relating to client relationship management and service execution – the two most important pillars of SPI’s Maturity Model. And how you can understand their drivers to help your business per...
Across industries, organizations depend on applications to engage customers, partners, and employees and achieve business goals. Most operate a mix of custom-developed and commercially available applications that direct both in...