Archives livres blancs

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Global Business Travelers Report

Nearly all business travelers are willing to travel this year, yet the way companies are managing the return to travel may prove problematic. Most business travelers report their companies are returning to pre-pandemic travel l...

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A Guide to Agile Change Management: Take Advantage of Hybrid Cloud with VMware Horizon

Today’s organizations are faced with the task to rethink how they can seamlessly support distributed workspaces without limitation or complexity. Even though everyone’s journey to becoming an ‘anywhere organization’ is differen...

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VMware Horizon: Deriving value from SaaS for virtualized desktop and app virtualization

Organizations are turning to virtualized desktops and applications as a way to ensure business continuity and employee productivity while reducing costs. VMware Horizon® provides a software-as-service (SaaS) desktop and applic...

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Transform Your Legacy Desktop Virtualization Environment with VMware Horizon

Today’s desktop virtualization landscape has changed. A distributed workforce has emerged, redefining the workplace and placing higher priority on VDI solutions to ensure business continuity and employee productivity in this ne...

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Reduce Management Overhead by Transforming VDI and App Management with VMware Horizon Control Plane​ Technical Paper

As organizations shift to new distributed workforce models, new challenges have emerged requiring new solutions. On-premises, physical infrastructure does not support the new, remote work model; however, organizations still nee...

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The Future Is Bright: Why VMware Horizon Is The Best Alternative to Citrix

Today’s organizations find themselves navigating the challenges of both increasing and fluctuating demand for remote work, and desktop virtualization is at the center of these changes. It’s time to move beyond legacy and implem...

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Start-ups : exécutez presque n'importe quelle application dans le cloud sur AWS

Avec la plus grande infrastructure cloud mondiale disponible sur le marché, Amazon Web Services (AWS) permet aux start-ups de développer leurs applications les plus complexes et puissantes dans le cloud. Grâce aux options de ca...

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Talent & technologie aanpakken in een tijdperk van ongekende disruptie

Ruim 2 Miljoen zakelijke dienstverlening organisaties in Europa zijn gedwongen, na een periode van enorme ontwrichting, om zich aan te passen aan een nieuwe manier van werken, veranderende eisen van klanten en veranderende comm...

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Quand RH et projets se heurtent

Découvrez comment rapprocher les impératifs RH et les besoins projets pour les équipes de gestion de projet. Intégrer les RH là où elles comptent. La plupart de ce qui se passe au niveau des ressources humaines se passe en deh...

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Relever tous les défis grâce à l'automatisation intelligente

Relever tous les défis grâce à l'automatisation intelligente Découvrez comment les sociétés de services peuvent utiliser les technologies modernes d'automatisation pour répondre aux nouvelles attentes des clients, obtenir de m...

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