Archives livres blancs

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Spear Phishing : Menaces et tendances principales

Les cybercriminels affinent constamment leurs tactiques pour rendre leurs attaques plus compliquées et difficiles à détecter. Dans ce rapport détaillé, les chercheurs de Barracuda partagent leurs points de vue sur les dernières...

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Spear Phishing: Top Threats and Trends

Cybercriminals are constantly refining their tactics and making their attacks more complicated and difficult to detect. In this in-depth report, Barracuda researchers share their insights on the most recent trends in social eng...

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Ne payez pas la rançon

Pour dire les choses simplement, un ransomware est un logiciel malveillant qui chiffre vos données ou vous empêche d’accéder à vos propres systèmes d’une manière ou d’une autre. Les criminels exigent ensuite une rançon en échan...

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Don’t pay the ransom

In simple terms, ransomware is malicious software that either encrypts your data or otherwise stops you from accessing your own systems. The criminals then demand a ransom in exchange for the decryption key, although, of course...

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Le nouvel ABC de la sécurité des applications

En permettant aux entreprises numériques de communiquer avec leurs utilisateurs et leurs clients, les applications se sont rapidement imposées comme un outil indispensable. L’adoption massive du télétravail en 2020 a accentué l...

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The new ABCs of application security

Applications are the building blocks of how digital businesses work and how they engage with their end users and customers. The move to remote work in 2020 intensified the importance of web apps, and many organizations have had...

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The CIO Roadmap to Hybrid and Multi-Cloud

While cloud has become a key driver of business expansion and operational efficiency, business and IT leaders still struggle to understand how to transform their organizations into cloud-driven and cloud-optimized enterprises. ...

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3 Things That Slow Your Time to Remediation

Today’s average security team has to manually collect findings from 5 to 10 disparate scanning tools and try to deduplicate and prioritize them. Since the security team cannot fix these risks, it has to act as a “middleman” an...

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451 - The Value of Streamlining Cloud Native Operations & Optimizing Public Cloud Environments

A Pathfinder paper navigates decision-makers through the issues surrounding a specific technology or business case, explores the business value of adoption, and recommends the range of considerations and concrete next steps in ...

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The Seven Cybersecurity Misconceptions Every CIO should Dispel

Cybersecurity spend continues to increase, yet breaches continue to rise. What are we doing wrong? For starters, most organizations define cybersecurity practices through preventative technologies. What these approaches are oft...

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