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We’re With You on the Journey

The journey to ransomware readiness requires maintaining staff security skillsets and employee awareness, plus regularly updating network (virtual, physical, or cloud) defenses and processes. Turnover in staff and employees, ne...

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Global Threat Landscape Report

Another half-year through unprecedented times has passed. But as unique as these times may feel, we continue to see familiar exploits, names, and attacks taking up space. To help you and your business feel confident in your abi...

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Repel Ransomware Attacks With Fortinet Proactive, Reactive, and Managed Services

Today’s organizations are changing rapidly to meet the needs of the times, including Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) apps and cloud adoption, remote users, increased business collaboration tools, new acquisitions, and employee and...

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Que faire lorsque l’on est victime d’une attaque par ransomware

Plus de 187 millions d’attaques par ransomware ont eu lieu en 2019. Cela représente plus de 500 000 offensives menées chaque jour à l’encontre d’entreprises. Si vous n’en avez pas encore été victime, il y a malheureusement de b...

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Talking Up Self-Serve Kiosks in Healthcare Patient Check-In

More and more, self-service kiosks are integrating sensory capabilities that make them more “service” than “self.” For instance, recent advancements in computer vision now allow kiosks to “see” the subjects of their interaction...

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Building Ransomware Resilience

Ransomware has become a popular weapon in the hands of malicious actors who try to harm governments, businesses, and individuals daily. Ransomware is the final stage of a more complex attack. The security breach could have alr...

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The potential of payroll: Global payroll survey 2022

With greater business ambitions come greater expectations – there’s no such thing as ‘business as usual’ anymore. Our comprehensive research into global payroll shows how this historically overlooked function has the potential ...

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Disaster Recovery as a Service Buyer's Guide 

Disaster Recovery as a Service (DRaaS) seamlessly delivered on top of a global public cloud is a cost-effective, reliable, easy-to-use alternative to traditional on-premises solutions. And, it has the flexibility to support inf...

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Protéger votre entreprise contre les rançongiciels

Votre entreprise est-elle vraiment résiliente ? Ces deux dernières années, 76 % des entreprises ont connu une situation nécessitant un plan de reprise d’activité (DR). Cette infographie explique pourquoi un plan de reprise d’a...

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Saving Your Organization From Ransomware - Why You Need DRaaS

How resilient is your organization? As many as 76 percent of organizations have experienced an event in the last 2 years that required a disaster recovery (DR) plan. Read this infographic to learn how a solid DR plan lays the ...

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