With the dramatic increase in the number of cyberattacks and their advancement in complexity and sophistication, it’s crucial to expand detection capabilities with advanced analytics such as machine learning (ML). As reinforced...
For organizations that require an on-prem solution due to regulatory requirements or IT preference, LogRhythm SIEM is the industry’s most complete platform, providing the latest security functionality and analytics. LogRhythm S...
There is a lot riding on the shoulders of your security operations team — protecting the organization’s reputation; safeguarding sensitive client information and ensuring the organization’s ability to deliver products and servi...
The LogRhythm Platform is a security information and event management (SIEM) solution that provides a single integrated platform for rapid detection, response, and neutralization of security threats. It improves organizations’ ...
Parce que les entreprises du secteur manufacturier en quête de croissance doivent être en capacité d'innover rapidement et de recruter des talents dans un contexte économique compliqué, il leur faut adopter des stratégies digit...
Ransomware? Recoverware. It’s Time to Attack Your Ransomware Recovery Strategy Experiencing a cyberattack is no longer a matter of if—it’s a matter of when. Developing a clear ransomware recovery strategy is your best defense...
Extending your data center to the cloud offers a host of benefits, including access to on-demand capacity and a variety of innovative cloud services. But integrating your on-premises data center with cloud can be a huge, compli...
Alors que le Cloud est en train de devenir l’environnement de déploiement principal pour une majorité de charges de travail, de nombreuses entreprises adoptent une stratégie de Cloud hybride qui leur permet d’exploiter leurs in...
As cloud becomes the primary deployment environment for a majority of workloads, many organizations are turning to a hybrid cloud strategy that enables them to leverage existing on-premises investments. But what’s the best wa...
En modernisant vos applications on premise existantes, vous pouvez aider votre entreprise à renforcer l’agilité, l’innovation et la croissance, tout en équilibrant les coûts, la sécurité et la fiabilité. Toutefois, déterminer c...