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Freshchat Conversational Support Benchmark Report 2023

Did you know? 35.14% of B2C businesses that use Freshchat say that easy access to support is the most defining factor of a great customer experience. Today, customers have unprecedented access to information — from experts and ...

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Freshchat Conversational Support Benchmark Report 2023

Did you know? 35.14% of B2C businesses that use Freshchat say that easy access to support is the most defining factor of a great customer experience. Today, customers have unprecedented access to information — from experts and ...

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Trainline engineers a seamless customer support with Freshdeck and Freshchat

After implementing Freshworks suite of solutions, Trainline has noted improvements in their business fueled by various capabilities of the Freshworks eco system. These include: Increased customer satisfaction Higher deflec...

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Automate personalization with AWS

Today’s customers expect more, and their expectations for what constitutes a great customer experience are being redefined. This has increased the urgency for marketers to understand their customers’ needs. While meeting these ...

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The value of integrating cloud-native application protection into security and development

There are a lot of pieces in the cloud security puzzle, and sometimes it can seem like it’s not clear how they fit in the big picture. Think cloud access security brokers (CASBs). Or cloud workload protection platforms (CWPPs)....

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PRODUCT REVIEW - Trend Micro Cloud One

As part of the Cybersecurity Insiders Product Review series, we are reviewing Trend Micro Cloud One, a comprehensive and powerful cloud security platform for developers, security teams, and businesses. Trend Cloud One’s integra...

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Solve the cloud security puzzle to see the big picture

A cloud-native application protection platform (CNAPP) consolidates your security tools, helping development, DevOps, cloud, and security teams sort each piece and see the big picture.

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Trainline engineers a seamless customer support with Freshdeck and Freshchat

After implementing Freshworks suite of solutions, Trainline has noted improvements in their business fueled by various capabilities of the Freshworks eco system. These include: Increased customer satisfaction Higher deflec...

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Thomas Cook achieves a 67% improvement in first response SLA with Flashdeck

Freshworks out-of-the-box functionality, intuitive user experience and dedicated team enabled Thomas Cook to achieve it's vision quickly through a seamless and rapid implementation cycle. Freshdeck automation and ticket templat...

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Thomas Cook achieves a 67% improvement in first response SLA with Flashdeck

Freshworks out-of-the-box functionality, intuitive user experience and dedicated team enabled Thomas Cook to achieve it's vision quickly through a seamless and rapid implementation cycle. Freshdeck automation and ticket templat...

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