The hybrid workforce has become a reality for most businesses, yet it creates new headaches by expanding the organization’s attack surface. This challenges security and IT teams as they work to secure these remote users. One st...
Die Bereitstellung eines sicheren, zuverlässigen und einheitlichen Zugriffs auf Unternehmensressourcen und -anwendungen für hybride Arbeitsmodelle zählt zu den größten Herausforderungen für IT-Teams und ist zugleich ein entsche...
Les nouvelles technologies digitales accélèrent le changement dans tous les secteurs d'activité. Pour rester compétitives dans ce monde en mutation rapide, les entreprises ont besoin, avant toute chose, de rapidité et d'agilité...
Fournir un accès sécurisé, fiable et cohérent aux ressources et applications corporate dans le monde hybride d'aujourd'hui constitue un défi majeur pour les équipes informatiques. Un accès sécurisé et authentifié aux applicatio...
Over the past several years, organizations have been engaged in expanding their multi-edge networking strategies to not only enable new work-from-anywhere (WFA) realities but also support workers as they become increasingly dep...
Sur les dix dernières années, la technologie a su apporter aux collaborateurs davantage de flexibilité dans le choix des dispositifs qu'ils utilisent, les lieux où ils travaillent et les ressources auxquelles ils accèdent. Le B...
As organizations continue to pursue digital acceleration, successfully executing their application journey plans is a critical success factor. Applications now can live anywhere from the data center to hybrid and multi-clouds t...
In 2023, the cloud is fundamentally delivering on its promised business outcomes, including flexible capacity and scalability, increased agility, improved availability, and accelerated deployment and provisioning. However, secu...
Organizations today are investing heavily in modernizing their IT infrastructures in the data center and the public cloud for their digital acceleration initiatives. For many, their strategy to drive better business outcomes hi...
Well ahead of plans, the COVID-19 pandemic has forced organizations to significantly advance their digital acceleration initiatives into cloud—in some cases, maybe even unplanned. Additionally, many organizations underwent forc...