Développez-vous plus rapidement et démarquez-vous par la créativité. La créativité n’est pas l’apanage d’une poignée de personnes. Elle est partout autour de nous, dans notre vie et notre travail, à condition de la reconnaître...
Jay Patissall, Forrester VP and Principal Analyst discuss how to harness the power of creativity and transform the way you think and work. Watch the webinar today through our OnDemand platform. It costs almost nothing extra t...
This ebook brings together the experience of a wide range of industry experts. We want to offer a clear and workable guide for decision-makers in the creative teams of small and medium-sized enterprises, filled with plenty of t...
Managing creative reviews with internal stakeholders and clients can be a real challenge. The more projects, designers, and reviewers you have in the mix, the harder it gets to scale the process. In this on-demand webinar, d...
Having proper guidelines in place is critical to maintaining control when it comes to employee travel and expenses (the second largest controllable cost after salaries). Whether employees are claiming travel or remote working e...
Comment construire une expérience collaborateur réussie ? Quand recourir à l’intelligence artificielle (IA) dans les processus RH ? Comment la digitalisation permet à Hannecard de donner plus d’autonomie à ses managers et colla...
Comprendre, examiner et relever le défi de la planification des effectifs. La planification des effectifs est une tâche cruciale, complexe et qui prend beaucoup de temps. L'objectif est d'obtenir les bonnes personnes, au bon ...
Creative professionals are under pressure to develop assets and deliver campaigns faster. In fact, they need to produce 10x more assets than before to serve all channels according to a recent IDC study. With this constant nee...
Single-vendor SASE delivers converged network and security capabilities to connect and secure distributed users, devices and locations to resources in the cloud, edge and on-premises. Infrastructure and operations leaders shoul...
This eBook offers an overview of talent management and how it has evolved to meet the current times—and how the right talent management system can help you develop an engaged, skilled, and productive workforce.