Archives livres blancs

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The State of Work 2023: customer support trends

Discover the latest customer support trends that shaped the landscape in 2023. Our resource provides valuable insights into the state of work, offering a deep dive into customer support dynamics. Gain a comprehensive understand...

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The Slack handbook for exceptional customer service

Delve into the world of exceptional customer service with our insightful handbook. Uncover proven strategies that set the standard for excellence. Explore key insights and practical tips to enhance your customer service approac...

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Enterprise sales teams use Slack to amplify productivity.

Explore the transformative power of integrating Salesforce with Slack in our latest whitepaper. Discover how enterprise sales teams amplify productivity through seamless collaboration. Gain valuable insights to optimize your sa...

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Transform your sales team’s productivity with Slack

Unlock the secrets to supercharging your sales team's efficiency with our latest whitepaper. Discover how integrating Salesforce with Slack can transform collaboration, streamline communication, and drive unparalleled productiv...

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3 actionable ways you can add context to documentation

The “why” behind what your team is doing is just as important as the “how.” The “how” is operational, and often lives in documentation. Ask anyone at your company how to submit PTO, and they’ll all probably point you to the s...

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Building a Cyber- Resilient Data Recovery Strategy

Building a holistic cybersecurity program can be complex and multifaceted. With threats mounting, cyberattacks, including ransomware, are an ever‑present danger. Organizations who leverage voluntary frameworks, such as the NIST...

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Pourquoi est‑il plus sûr de rétablir rapidement l’activité que de payer la rançon ?

Chaque minute d’indisponibilité peut représenter des milliers d’euros de pertes. Aussi, lorsqu’une entreprise est victime d’un ransomware, elle peut être tentée de payer la rançon. Elle espère ainsi résoudre rapidement le probl...

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Rapport sur les tendances des ransomwares en 2023. RAPPORT DE SYNTHÈSE EUROPE

"Si les ransomwares sont un problème pour tout le monde, personne n’ose en parler publiquement. Nous avons demandé à 350 décideurs IT d’entreprises de toutes tailles de nous livrer leur expérience et de nous raconter comment il...

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7 meilleures pratiques de restauration après une attaque par ransomwar

"Voilà pourquoi la lecture de ce livre blanc sur les sept meilleures pratiques en matière de ransomwares est si importante pour votre entreprise. Téléchargez-le pour découvrir : pourquoi les entreprises doivent ériger la res...

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Why Rapid Recovery is Safer than Paying the Ransom

Every minute of downtime can mean thousands of dollars in lost business. When ransomware hits, paying the ransom can be tempting, but it isn't the quick fix organizations are hoping for. Instead, enterprises can confidently foc...

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