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How 9 businesses boosted productivity, efficiency and financial success with Slack and Salesforce

As economic uncertainty continues to dominate headlines, businesses are searching for ways to do more with less. Productivity, efficiency and cost savings are not just buzzwords, they’re necessities. If companies want to achiev...

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The future of intelligent productivity, powered by Slack AI

Knowledge silos kill companies. There’s data to prove it. In ‘The Crisis of Fractured Organisations’, global research firm Forrester found that the average worker spends 2.4 hours each day looking for the information that they...

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The Total Economic Impact™ Of Slack For Technical Teams

Slack is now our office. What we did face-to-face, we now do in Slack. And in terms of culture, in some ways it’s better than the water cooler or pop-ins – since Slack can be asynchronous, you won’t be interrupting people while...

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Digital transformation: How IT leaders can improve productivity in every department

In today’s turbulent economic conditions, companies everywhere are looking for ways to steer their ships into calmer waters. The practical solution involves charting a course for improving business value in every department, bu...

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State of Work Report ’23 IT trends

The world of work has undergone a seismic shift over the past few years. In 2019, when we last reported on the State of Work, the biggest challenge that sales teams faced was misalignment. Fast-forward to today, and the picture...

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LoopNet: How to Take Advantage of the Latest Tenant & Investor Trends

The way tenants and investors search for commercial space has changed. Throughout their search process, they rely on online resources in addition to the support of a broker. While this shift allows property owners and brokers t...

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CoachHub E-book: Loosing Top Talent

In order to attract and retain top talent, organizations need to shift towards practices that prioritise the employee experience (EX) as much as the customer experience (CX.) What you'll learn: How EX―specifically that of high...

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CoachHub E-book: 2024's Top Workplace Trends

From the rise of remote work to the impacts of digital transformation and the infusion of AI, this eBook guides you through navigating the dynamic challenges and opportunities within the professional sphere. What you'll discov...

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Considérez ces cas d'entreprises réels Combien de temps vous faut-il pour clôturer un exercice fiscal? Quelle est la fiabilité de vos prévisions de pipeline ? Sont-elles étayées par des données? Votre gestion de trésorerie est...

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Aberdeen - ERP Cloud au service de la réussite des PME

En tant que dirigeant d'une PME, vous recherchez des outils qui soutiennent votre croissance tout en gardant un œil sur la rentabilité. Une étude du groupe Aberdeen parmi les entreprises à croissance rapide révèle que: 33 % ...

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