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Little Things That Can Have a Big Impact on Employee Experience and Retention

To be future-ready and ensure your company’s workforce feels satisfied and supported, you need to prioritize business agility, efficiency, and productivity. This will allow your company to create an employee experience that att...

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How to Measure Behavior

Your Key to a Robust Security Culture In today's cybersecurity landscape, social engineering tactics pose significant threats due to their manipulation of human behavior. To combat this, organizations are shifting towards huma...

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Boosting revenue with cyber security made easy

Increase Your Cyber Security Revenue with Advanced Security Analytics - Made in Germany Enhance your profit generation with cyber risk analytics and monitorings. Our all-in-one solution equips you with quick lead acquisition, ...

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Why Finance Is Ready for a Breakout Transformation with Artificial Intelligence

Over the past few years, numerous finance departments have navigated this delicate equilibrium using intelligent technologies, such as process automation and predictive analytics. In fact, nearly 62% of finance leaders agree th...

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Artificial Intelligence, Real Solutions for Business

Generative AI, machine learning, large language models, neural networks, and more. It’s a lot to take in, from what the definitions mean to how artificial intelligence (AI) could affect lives and businesses. Conversations and ...

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Today's CFO: preparing for the unexpected

In a survey of CFOs and other senior finance managers across seven countries, 90% said the key task of today's CFO is to prepare business for the unexpected. That's a big shift from traditional tasks such as monitoring budget...

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Be Ready: Four Ways to Future-Proof Your Business

The financial outlook is uneven globally and unlikely to change in the near term — the International Monetary Fund (IMF) projects 3% global growth in 2028 (the lowest medium-term forecast since 1990). In response, most CFOs are...

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Rejoignez Megaport pour Boostez vos connexions vers Oracle Cloud - 18.03.2024

De nombreuses entreprises se heurtent à des problèmes de performance, de gestion et de sécurité inhérents à l'Internet. Pour résoudre ces problèmes, elles ont besoin d'un réseau privé de haute qualité pour l'ensemble de leur en...

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Simpler sustainability: Building an eco-strategy into your travel policy

While this is a travel-focused sustainability strategy, it takes more than just your team to make it work. You need to collaborate with sustainability leaders, councils, and committees from across the company. And if you don’t ...

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Work from Anywhere: The employee benefit and its implications for business.

To understand the Work from Anywhere trend better and to support companies in mastering corresponding challenges, SAP Concur conducted a piece of research aiming to understand WFA’s growing prevalence and provide the necessary ...

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