Verhindern Sie folgenschwere Datenpannen durch schnelleres Erkennen und Entschärfen von Bedrohungen Raffinierte Cyber-Angriffe nehmen weltweit zu – in beispiellosem Tempo und mit verheerenden Folgen. Die modernen Angreifer, da...
Die Begriffe maschinelles Lernen und künstliche Intelligenz (KI) sind in der Sicherheitsbranche heute in aller Munde. Auf der Suche nach Wegen, die Sicherheitsaufstellung zu verbessern und sich gegen die fortschreitenden Cybera...
Technologien sind ein Grundpfeiler jedes Unternehmens, doch diese Technologien werden immer noch von Menschen gesteuert und verwaltet. Vertrauenswürdigkeit ist eine unerlässliche Voraussetzung dafür, dass ein Netzwerk geschützt...
How legal firms can adopt best practice through the adoption of security intelligence tools. This paper examines the top five use-cases for centralised monitoring within the legal sector, in order to reduce cyber risk through ...
Prevent major data breaches by reducing time to detect and respond to threats Globally, sophisticated cyber-attacks are compromising organisations at an unprecedented rate and with devastating consequences. Modern attackers, i...
Key indicators of a compromise can be found by analysing the network traffic from outbound connections—specifically, traffic coming from an endpoint on your internal network and connecting through your firewall to something on ...
Just because data, applications, and systems exist in Azure doesn’t mean your commitment to security, ability to monitor, and need to achieve compliance are any less. First, you need to collect security events, configuration ch...
Organisations are built around technology, but that technology is still controlled and managed by human hands. For a network to remain secure, both internally and externally, trust is an essential ingredient. Employees need acc...
CISOs Investigate: User Behavior Analytics (UBA) includes interviews with 11 security leaders who have deployed or are looking to deploy third-party solutions. This report replaces the ad hoc, often informal and time-consuming ...
In this review, we explored the recently released LogRhythm CloudAI, which provides user-focused behavioral analysis built into LogRhythm. CloudAI encompasses a robust NextGen SIEM solution to extend recognition of user threats...