The information security field is economically inefficient. This is both good and bad. Bad, because it means billions of dollars are squandered on solutions which offer their buyers sub-optimal returns. Good, because the opport...
Immer mehr Unternehmen und Behörden migrieren ihre Daten und Dokumente von eigenen Servern hin zu Cloud-Umgebungen. Die Vorteile der Cloud liegen auf der Hand. Sie erlaubt den mobilen Zugriff auf Unternehmensressourcen und erle...
Employee endpoints are the interfaces between employees and the corporate data and applications they need to do their jobs. Attackers understand this — and actively target employee endpoints as well as the server endpoints host...
Legacy antivirus solutions are built upon several outmoded technologies ranging from byte-matching to post execution behavioral analysis. Threat actors have adapted to these well-known cybersecurity measures and responded with ...
Traditional cybersecurity approaches suffer from two glaring weaknesses. First, they rely on the digital signatures of known malware in order to identify threats. This approach leaves systems vulnerable to new and non-catalogue...
In this Paper: • SMBs face the same security and compliance requirements as enterprises, without the same level of resources. • Legacy AV has significant shortcomings, including reliance on detect-respond instead of a prev...
Artificial intelligence (AI) leads the charge in the current wave of digital transformation underway at many global companies. Organizations large and small are actively expanding their AI footprints as executives try to compre...
Laut McKinsey werden in 86 Prozent der Unternehmen die Hauptziele ihrer Analytics-Initiativen nur bedingt erreicht, in einem Viertel der Fälle sogar gar nicht. Dass die meisten Analytics-Initiativen dem tatsächlichen Bedarf heu...
If an organization’s current cybersecurity solution cannot predict and prevent zero-day attacks, it is living on borrowed time. Polymorphism, fileless attacks, and malware-as-a-service make it increasingly easy to circumvent tr...
Fujitsu Cloud Service for AWS Co-creation lays the foundations to speed up your migration to AWS. AWS offers leading development tools and cutting-edge technology that can transform your organization. However, ensuring you exp...