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Fortinet Dynamic Cloud Security Provides Seamless, Flexible Protection

As much as public cloud use is growing, both in total volume and in diversification of services, it is not a one-way trend. To meet evolving business needs, organizations are moving applications and workloads back and forth bet...

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Dynamic Cloud Security for AWS

Amazon Web Services (AWS) is the largest provider of cloud computing services worldwide. AWS pioneered Infrastructure-as-a-Service (IaaS) and is rapidly enhancing its Platform-as-a Service (PaaS)—enabling customers to accelerat...

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Dynamic Security in AWS - Creating Seamless Protection for Cloud and On-premises Networks

With 2018 revenues of $15.5 billion, Amazon Web Services (AWS) is the undisputed leader of the $32 billion Infrastructure-as-a-Service (IaaS) cloud services market.1 One consequence of this immense popularity is that cyber crim...

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Fortinet Security Fabric Enables Digital Innovation

Organizations are rapidly adopting digital innovation (DI) initiatives to accelerate their businesses, reduce costs, improve efficiency, and provide better customer experiences. Common initiatives involve moving applications an...

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Simplifying SD-WAN Operations with Single-pane Management

Software-defined wide-area networking (SD-WAN) is rapidly replacing traditional WAN for remote office and branch deployments. While SD-WAN offers performance benefits that support new digital innovations, many SD-WAN solutions ...

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Secure Remote Access for Your Workforce at Scale

Organizations face a number of different potential emergency situations, such as illness, flood, hurricanes, and power outages. Implementing a business continuity plan is essential to ensuring that the organization is capable o...

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Secure Remote Access for Your Government Workforce at Scale

Governments face a number of different potential emergency situations, such as illness, flood, hurricanes, and power outages. Governments must function as the management and coordination point in the face of adversity by commun...

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Auswahl eines SD-WANs für eine sichere WAN-Edge- Transformation: 7 Funktionen, die nicht fehlen dürfen

Zwar bieten SD-WANs (Software-Defined Wide-Area Networks) gegenüber einem herkömmlichen WAN erhebliche Leistungs- und Nutzungsvorteile, doch dies geht zu Lasten einer zentralisierten Security, da der Rücktransport des Traffics ...

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Mehr Möglichkeiten für Zweigstellen und Filialen mit sicheren SD-WANs

Unternehmen steigern zunehmend die geschäftliche Reaktionsfähigkeit mit Hybrid-Umgebungen, die On-Premise-Systeme um Cloud-Dienste ergänzen. Doch die zunehmende Verwendung von cloudbasierten Anwendungen geht oft zu Lasten der S...

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Reduzierung des Risikos der Public Cloud: 5 Anwendungsfälle

Unternehmen haben Public Cloud-Plattformen aller Art in großem Stil angenommen, aber das Ergebnis ist eine erhöhte Komplexität der Sicherheitsabläufe. Eingebaute Security Tools für die verschiedenen Cloud-Anbieter sind voneinan...

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