Die wichtigsten Handlungsfelder, Schlüsseltechnologien und Anwendungsbeispiele zum Thema Smart Factory Kurze Innovationszyklen, weltweite Konkurrenz, steigende Kundenansprüche und verteuerte Ressourcen setzen die Fertigungsind...
Prozesse zu automatisieren, um dadurch effizienter und effektiver zu werden, ist das Ziel vieler B2B-Verantwortlicher. Häufig stellen sie sich dabei aber die Frage: Was und wie soll automatisiert werden? In diesem Online-Meet-u...
Warum gute Customer Experience eine solide und flexible Infrastruktur erfordert Die digitale Transformation war in den vergangenen Jahren eines der wichtigsten Themen geschäftlicher Besprechungen, und das mit gutem Grund. Viel...
Free Chapters! 1. The Challenge of API Management 2. API Governance 3. The API as a Product This excerpt from "Continuous API Management" is a practical guide that provides maturity models for individual APIs and multi‑API la...
Learn how to configure caching, load balancing, security, cloud deployments, gRPC, HTTP/2 server push, and other critical NGINX features in this free O’Reilly E-Book. In this ebook you will learn: - How to configure content c...
5 free Chapters! 1. First Steps with Kubernetes 2. Getting Kubernetes 3. Working with Kubernetes Objects 4. Running Containers 5. Managing Pods This excerpt contains Chapters 2, 3, 4, 8, and 9 of the book Cloud Native DevOps...
Find out about - WHY ADOPTION STILL MISSES THE MARK - The impact of cloud computing can be transformational, but finding the strategy that works for your business is not always clear cut - DATA QUALITY REMAINS A BIG OBSTACLE ...
Speed and agility continue to be among the leading motives for enterprise cloud adoption, since slow has become unacceptable in this fast-paced world we live in. But as a DevOps practitioner tasked with accelerating app deploym...
The network team is made up of your colleagues, your co-workers, in some cases, your friends. They deserve to know the truth. And you’re just the person to bring them that truth. The truth about how automation is going to trans...
Everybody changes, and sometimes relationships have to change too. We’re talking, of course, about your relationship with your cloud provider’s native application services for security and performance. Services which are, admit...