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Brian Madden’s Playbook for Your Journey to the Cloud

Brian Madden, End-User Computing industry analyst and VMware resident expert, explains the big picture of desktop virtualization, and how VMware Future-Ready solutions can simplify your journey to the Cloud. Learn about the VMw...

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Acronis Cyber Cloud – Verfügbarkeit als Service

Informieren Sie sich in diesem exklusiven Webinar über die Acronis Cyber Cloud-Plattform für IT-Dienstleister, diesmal mit besonderem Fokus auf verschiedene Wiederherstellungsmöglichkeiten. Sehen Sie wie Sie Datenverlust prakti...

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Die fünf Ebenen der MSP-Plattform‑Integration

MSPs, die versuchen, ein hochprofitables, wachsendes Unternehmen mit geringer Kundenfluktuation aufzubauen, sehen sich mit einer Vielzahl von Schwierigkeiten konfrontiert. Zunächst einmal haben viele Provider im Laufe der Zeit ...

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Kleine Unternehmen geraten 2021 vermehrt ins Visier von Cyberkriminellen

Wer nichts aus der Geschichte lernt, ist dazu verdammt, sie zu wiederholen. Deshalb haben unsere Cyber Security-Experten im Acronis Cyberthreats Report ihre Forschungs- und Untersuchungsergebnisse des vergangenen Jahres für ein...

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Oracle Analytics for Dummies - Get maximum value from data with advanced analytics

Augmented analytics incorporates artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) into data analytics, enabling businesses to make better, faster and more informed decisions. A single source of truth ensures that every pe...

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Oracle Analytics for Dummies - Drive business growth with faster data-driven decisions

Read “Oracle Analytics for Dummies” to explore how to enable anyone to make smarter data-driven business decisions through single-click data visualisations. Discover how to use advanced data analytics—enhanced by artificial int...

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Oracle Autonomous Database for Dummies - Support business growth with Oracle Autonomous Database

Read “Oracle Autonomous Database for Dummies” to explore how companies are reducing costs and eliminating the complexities of managing and securing data warehouses. Agea publishes Clarín, the leading newspaper in Latin Ameri...

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Gartner Report: 2020

Critical Capabilities for Cloud Database Management Systems for Operational Use Cases Data and analytics leaders, architects, and implementers should use this Critical Capabilities research as part of an evaluation of operatio...

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The Business Value of Oracle Autonomous Data Warehouse

Oracle Autonomous Data Warehouse customers realize an average annual value of $2.04 million. IDC interviewed Oracle customers to understand the value and benefits delivered by Oracle Autonomous Data Warehouse. The benefits wer...

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VAT Compliance: Concur® Tax Assurance by VATBox

Whether your business operates in the UK or internationally, VAT regulations are constantly changing, and reclaim processes are getting tighter, making it harder for businesses to keep up-to-date, stay compliant, and be resilie...

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