Eine Einführung in die adaptive und bedrohungsbasierte Konzeption des bedingten Zugriffs als Mittel für Unternehmen, um Risiken zu reduzieren, indem sich Identitäten überall verifizieren lassen. Dieses Whitepaper geht auf folg...
In this training you will learn: The benefits of oxygen dosing for H2S removal vs. other methods of removal Why use oxygen generation vs. air compressors or delivered oxygen How to optimally design the oxygen generation plant ...
High speed connectivity is the lifeblood of today’s successful businesses and organizations. High performance internet access is fundamental for communications and a wide range of data services, and as businesses, devices and i...
COVID-19 has transformed every aspect of how we work and live, including how students learn, and the pandemic has highlighted the need for schools to make fast, reliable and secure internet connectivity an utmost priority. Even...
The world of work is changing fast, and users now expect even more from the technology they rely on to do their jobs. Your business needs smarter, friendlier data-centric applications and platforms that deliver real-time data i...
Schutz vor erweiterten Bedrohungen erfordert Automatisierung und Integration in Sicherheitslösungen Die Folgen von Angriffen auf Betriebstechnologie (OT) sind schwerwiegend. In Unternehmen, die auf betriebliche und industriell...
IEC-62443-KONFORME END-TO-END-SICHERHEIT In den letzten Jahren wurden industrielle Steuerungssysteme (ICS = Industrial Control Systems), auf denen ein Großteil unserer kritischen Infrastruktur und verarbeitenden Industrie basi...
Automotive designers naturally gravitate to Hall-effect magnetic sensors because of their light weight, small size and low cost. But cars are full of components that generate stray magnetic fields which can interfere with those...
Gobally, there is a strong trend towards outsourcing, in order to balance the production cost and transaction cost of manufacturing. For OEMs, this balance needs to be struck while also practicing due diligence. The general ter...
Much has been made in the cybersecurity industry of the benefits of SASE, but what are the pragmatic steps businesses must take to embed SASE into their strategy? This report by journalists who spoke to representatives from a s...