
Neueste Themen:

Ransomware-Prävention ist möglich

Ransomware ist eine bösartige Schadsoftware, die sensible Dateien verschlüsselt, sodass die Eigentümer nicht mehr auf ihre Daten und Systeme zugreifen können. Betroffene können dann die Dateien meist nur über Sicherungskopien o...

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CISO-Strategien zur präventiven Gefahrenabwehr

CISOs sehen sich immer häufiger mit komplexen und systematischen Bedrohungen konfrontiert. Deshalb denken viele über einen Wechsel von einem reaktiven zu einem präventiven Schutz nach. Als CISO müssen Sie Ihre Organisation um...

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2022 Threat Report

The BlackBerry 2022 Threat Report is not a simple retrospective of the cyberattacks of 2021. It is a high-level look at issues affecting cybersecurity across the globe, both directly and indirectly. It covers elements of critic...

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Ultraschall: RS85 Prestige

a real revolution Lebergesundheit ist ein wichtiger Aspekt für unsere Lebens­qualität. Daher hat Samsung ihr Angebot für Tools zur Leber­diagnostik um einen wichtigen Schritt erweitert. Neben bereits bewährten Technologien wie...

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The CIO Roadmap to Hybrid and Multi-Cloud: A comprehensive guide to maturing the cloud journey and accelerating business value across the enterprise

The impact of the cloud on both the business and IT is undeniable. As part of a broader enterprise digital strategy that embraces data center and application modernization, the cloud has become a key driver of business expansio...

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A New View on Technology Maturity: 3 IT Imperatives for Leading in the Data Decade

This eBook - a collaboration with Dell, Intel, and VMware - examines how technology maturity has been re-defined, evolving from maturity into acceleration. It outlines the three critical imperatives for success and resilience ...

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Application Modernization Initiatives Garner a Growing Share of IT Budgets

Where you are on the application modernization journey influences what you expect the outcomes to be and the challenges you face, according to a new IDG Research study conducted in partnership with VMware. The survey of 106 IT...

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The Seven Cybersecurity Misconceptions Every CIO Should Dispel

You’ve heard the stories: a large Internet company exposing all three billion of its customer accounts; a major hotel chain compromising 500 million customer records; and one of the big-three credit reporting agencies exposing ...

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CIO Essential Guidance: Intrinsic Security

Despite massive spend to protect enterprise digital assets, security breaches are still on the rise. The disconnect between the level of investment and the volume and impact of attacks is largely attributed to outdated approach...

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Eight Critical IT Practice Areas That Drive Multi-Cloud Use Maturity

This eBook introduces a framework for assessing maturity related to multi-cloud use. As multi-cloud use is tightly coupled with application modernization strategies, the scope of the framework also includes practices for applic...

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