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Vorbereitung auf die zukünftigen Offenlegungspflichten

Stakeholder und Anleger:innen rücken Umwelt-, Sozial- und Governance-Themen (ESG) immer stärker in den Mittelpunkt. Die anhaltende weltweite Pandemie, Fragen der sozialen Gerechtigkeit und aufkommende geopolitische Risiken hab...

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Um wirklich effektiv arbeiten zu können, müssen moderne Führungsgremien mit neuen Technologien, neuen Sicherheitsbedrohungen und neuen globalen und wirtschaftlichen Entwicklungen Schritt halten, ebenso wie mit neuen Rahmenwerke...

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Der durch die COVID-19-Pandemie ausgelöste Trend zur Telearbeit hat dazu geführt, dass Finanzdienstleister aller Art sich bemühen, die Kontinuität ihres Geschäftsbetriebs mit Hilfe digitaler Plattformen und Lösungen aufrechtzue...

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The CIO Of 2025: Start Modernizing Your App Pipeline Today

According to the survey, modern applications are considered critical by most CIOs to remain price competitive (53%); stay ahead of the competition (52%); and maintain more efficient, lower-cost supply chains (51%). A majority a...

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Building trust and confidence in audit and risk functions

Unpredictability is here to stay. From unprecedented social restrictions to rapidly changing economic and political landscapes, assessing risk has never been more difficult. To help businesses take on the challenges of this un...

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The CIO Of 2025: Leading Technology-Driven Growth Across The Entire Organization

Important as the cloud already is, next-generation cloud and multicloud are expected to play even more important roles in the global, digital economy. In fact, 64% of CIOs believe that multicloud infrastructure will help accele...

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Digital Acceleration in the line of coronavirus

A global survey of 600 technology decision-makers conducted by MIT Technology Review Insights, in association with VMware, finds that most organizations in Asia-Pacific and the world over had largely prepared for the online com...

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NEW [eBook] ESG Distributed Cloud Series Study 2: Cloud-native Applications

While the business goals and schedule for this cloud-first approach are often well-defined, the path to realize them is not. There are significant technical, organizational and operational hurdles to overcome, and some organiza...

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NEW [eBook] ESG Distributed Cloud Series Study 2: Cloud-native Applications

IT organizations are trying to keep their businesses running while migrating to modern, future-proof approaches. To understand cloud native application trends, ESG surveyed 387 IT professionals at organizations in the U.S. resp...

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Hindsight is 2020 - The Pandemic Provides a Wakeup Call

How has the COVID-19 pandemic and the necessity of the distributed, anywhere workforce shifted the future of work? Forrester Consulting conducted a survey, commissioned by VMware, to global future-of-work decision-makers with r...

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