This eBook - a collaboration with Dell, Intel, and VMware - examines how technology maturity has been re-defined, evolving from maturity into acceleration. It outlines the three critical imperatives for success and resilience ...
While most organizations are already using two or more clouds, most teams within the larger organization are still focused on using primarily one cloud. However, as these teams become more strategic in their use of the cloud,...
While cloud has become a key driver of business expansion and operational efficiency, business and IT leaders still struggle to understand how to transform their organizations into cloud-driven and cloud-optimized enterprises. ...
While the business goals and schedule for this cloud-first approach are often well-defined, the path to realize them is not. There are significant technical, organizational and operational hurdles to overcome, and some organiza...
Important as the cloud already is, next-generation cloud and multicloud are expected to play even more important roles in the global, digital economy. In fact, 64% of CIOs believe that multicloud infrastructure will help accele...
A global survey of 600 technology decision-makers conducted by MIT Technology Review Insights, in association with VMware, finds that most organizations in Asia-Pacific and the world over had largely prepared for the online com...
How has the COVID-19 pandemic and the necessity of the distributed, anywhere workforce shifted the future of work? Forrester Consulting conducted a survey, commissioned by VMware, to global future-of-work decision-makers with r...
Every organization is now defined by the digital services it delivers. From engaging customers with new experiences to building new revenue opportunities, and driving digital-first touchpoints that protect and enable customers ...
Whitepaper mit Praxistipps zur Herstellung von Bauteilen, die in Reinräumen eingesetzt werden Ein Reinraum ist ein Raum im Raum. Er wird für Produktionsprozesse gebraucht, in denen Strukturen im Mikro- und Nanometerbereich erz...
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